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Saturday, January 08, 2005

Real War Game, Anyone?

Do you realize that it has been a little over 3 years since three thousand people were killed by Islamic fascists who rammed civilian airlines full of innocent passengers into the world trade center and the Pentagon? That thousands of people died by being burned to death, by falling or jumping from hundreds of feet, or by being crushed by collapsing masonry? That we saw this as it happened? That tens of thousands of people still grieve the death of their husbands and wives, sons and daughters?

Over one thousand of our troops have died and tens of thousands have been wounded. Yet today a significant part of our government is dedicated to making their jobs more difficult. Decrying the death of our soldiers while insuring that more die than need to.

Go to this site. It funny, but after a while it will leave your angry because it’s true.

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