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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Who is Janice Rogers Brown

Captain Ed has Janice Rogers Brown in her own words. If her name is not familiar, it should be; she is one of the nominees for the federal appellate bench who has been blocked by the Left. Ed cites her speech to Catholic University’s school of law:

[Speaking of the reasons that people forsake freedom] “Some will do so because they are ambitious and can only make their mark by setting out upon a new path. Abraham Lincoln described this dynamic many years before he became president. He said there will always be people among us (from the family of the Lion or the tribe of the Eagle) who “scorn to tread in the footsteps of any predecessor,” who thirst and burn for distinction, and who will obtain it “whether at the expense of emancipating slaves or enslaving free men.”3

Some may reject freedom because security has always been more comfortable than freedom and infinitely more comforting to the “herd of independent minds.”4

Perhaps the most likely reason for a negative response is the fatigue engendered by the “accumulated decisions of so many revolutions.”5 Freedom requires certitude and we are now so enlightened that, in Pascal's phrase, “we know too much to be ignorant and too little to be wise.”

Read the whole thing.

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