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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Of Whores and Pimps

Think in factory terms. Whores are the factory output. Pimps are the management and marketing.

So what is the relationship of whores and pimps to the “Cindy Sheehan” story, you may ask. Well, looking at it with a fresh viewpoint, I’m glad to explain.

Cindy Sheehan has been referred to – by people who are not overly fond of her – as a “media whore.” This title is reserved not for people who are in the “personal services” business, but for those whose raison d’etre is media attention. Think of Paris Hilton without the sex. Then again, maybe that's too good an analogy.

For every media whore there have to be media pimps. Can’t have one without the other. And of course we have virtually the entire press corps with the requirement that they have to fill a media void in the dog days of August to justify their astronomical salaries. And, of course, they can accomplish this while at the same time satisfying their more basic urges: demoralizing the troops, defiling the president, helping al Qaeda and providing aid and comfort to the terrorists. Never let it be said that pimps can’t enjoy their jobs.

Need I say that pimps are generally flashy dressers, have lots of cash and drive fancy cars? Ever notice how the press is turned out? Still think my analogy is strained?


Anonymous said...

I have an opinion of Cindy Sheehan that is beside the point.
But I do ask, how many Casey Sheehans have come home in body bags because the MSM elevates the antics of a Cindy Sheehan, the words of the Joe Bidens and the Teddy Kennedys, the stories about Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, ad nauseum. It is apparant to me that destroying this President is more important to people on the left and in the media, than are the lives of our troops, victory in this war against world wide terrorism, or the very survival of this nation.

Moneyrunner said...

This is an excellent point. The purpose of terrorism is the control of public opinion. Objectively, Cindy Sheehan aids the terrorists.