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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Virginia Marriage Initiative

The New Jersey Supreme Court has instructed the NJ Legislature to write a law requiring the marriage of gays – but maybe they won’t have to call it marriage. It just has to be marriage in everything but name.

The opponents of the Virginia ballot initiative on marriage have sworn it can’t happen here and … by the way, it should happen here. This position is incoherent, but that has never stopped the Left.

From The Corner:

House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) today issued the following statement expressing outrage at the New Jersey Supreme Court's decision to order the state to recognize same-sex marriage or its equivalent, taking the definition of marriage out of the hands of New Jersey voters...


Moneyrunner said...
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Moneyrunner said...

Judges have become legislators-for-life. This must end, one way or another.