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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Conservatives demonized by unlikely source

Powerline makes a powerful point; you don't convince people by insulting them.

The White House communications operation is in overdrive promoting its immigration reform proposal. I'm getting three or more emails per day on the subject. I feel frustrated that the White House failed, in my view, to push this hard for initiatives I favor, or when it came to defending itself on Iraq.

I'm also frustrated that the White House fails to treat seriously the concerns conservatives have about its immigration package. The tendency instead is to misrepresent or demean our concerns and, to some extent, demonize us.

We see some of this in the latest column by Michael Gerson, who until recently was a key aide to President Bush. The title of Gerson's piece is "Letting Fear Rule"; the subtitle is "Nativism Is a Recipe for Long-Term GOP Losses." So before Gerson even gets to his analysis, conservatives with whom he disagrees stand accused of nativism and being ruled by fear.

It doesn't get any better once Gerson starts arguing.
I oppose the bill ... AND I'M AN IMMIGRANT!

Peggy Noonan has the best argument in the Wall Street Journal article which I have excerpted in full because it's in the "paid" edition.

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