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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lilly has a point ... but she won't like it.

Rich Tucker writes "Mea Culpa" at

he has decided to be a kindler, gentler conservative. Among the responses was one by "Lilly"

My response was too long to go in the comments box at Rich's column, so I though I would comment here.

There are a lot of people who are simmering from the some of the events and trends of the last 50 years. Oh yeah! But they were isolated and believed they were alone in their views. They were not quoted in the Drive-By-Media (or if they were, they were dismissed as kooks). That has changed, thanks to Rush Limbaugh’s revolution of AM radio and the development of the Internet as an alternative mass media.

An analogy would be the reaction of the people in Eastern Europe who were freed from Communism after the USSR fell. There were a lot of pissed off people who were now finally free to make their opinions known. In some cases they imprisoned or even hung their oppressors.

Here is what Lilly mentioned that – thanks to the alternative media – we now have a chance to debate:

During World War II hardly a family was untouched by the war. People hung little star flags in their windows to show how many living members they had at the front, and how many dead. But even then, we did not see the kind of hysteria that now goes with "Support the Troops!"

You see, that sort of BS is what passes for reality in “Lilly World.” During World War 2 “we” did not see people saying they supported the troops, but not the war. “We” did not have a party that told us the war was lost. “We” did not put Nazi saboteurs in cushy jails, we shot them. “We” moved hundreds of thousands of ethnic Japanese into internment camps and kept them there. “We” gave the military a free hand to bomb cities and when thousands of civilians were killed in the process, that was war, not a cause for legal action. If anyone had said any of the hateful things that are regularly said about our troops today by the Left, they would have been lynched. “Support the troops?” Hell yes; that was not even a question.
It feels now as if a lot of elderly conservatives who have been stewing ever since public protest shut down the Vietnam War are now trying to get even for the way they felt then.

There is truth here too. For years since the end of the war in Viet Nam, the simpering simps who cut off all aid to our allies in South Viet Nam have told us how noble they were while the rotting corpses of the millions of people killed after they had their way stank up the place. The MSM were unified in presenting a picture drawn by the Left. A picture of American brutality and futility that they brought to an end. And when that end did not come in reconciliation but in millions of deaths, tropical Gulags and hundreds of thousands of “boat people” taking chances in shark and pirate infested waters to escape the future that the Left had consigned them to, the Left partied on, congratulating themselves on having won their just cause.

For forty years they have been getting madder and madder not just about Vietnam but about gays coming out of the closet and about unmarried couples living together openly and about legalized abortion and most of all about forced racial integration---and now "Support the Troops" has become the kind of code that "Law and Order" used to be. These people seem to want a new order in which their values will control everyone in the United States. And they very much want their knee on the neck of every liberal.

Well, now. The people I know really don’t have a problem with gays coming out of the closet. They do have a problem with being told that they cannot disapprove of the gay lifestyle unless they want to be called “homophobic.” They have a problem with being told that their moral code is evil and their religion is stupid. They have a problem with people, both gay and straight flaunting their sexuality – not in the bedroom – but on Main Street in “gay pride” parades featuring the public display of body parts that were once called “private.” They have a problem with being told that they must rent rooms in their home to people whose morals they find offensive, or face arrest and jail. They have a problem with doctors sucking the brains out of babies who are partially born and being told that this is a procedure that is guaranteed by the constitution. And they are tired of being told that if they object to this, they are interfering with a woman’s body.

And when they object to having these values forced down their throats, they then find themselves told that their values are illegitimate. The only values that can be forced on people are the values espoused by the Left: the ones who take pride in the death camps of South East Asia, take pride in calling our troops Nazis, take pride in denigrating people of faith, and take pride in killing babies.

Well, the Left’s long march through Academia and the MSM is finally meeting some resistance and has finally found its voice in the alternative media. And the Left is very unhappy with that. They are used to being the ones with the megaphone, the ones who owned the mass media. And they are now doing what bullies always do; they are raising their voices and calling names. What we are seeing is the emergence of a REAL dialog, not just one between Left and Far Left. And if that disconcerts anyone, head for the hills because it’s not going to get any quieter for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
