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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Virginian Pilot Insults Christians ... Again

The Virginian Pilot printed a vile anti-Christian smear via a column by the despicable Tim Rutten, a syndicated columnist. The column, which appeared in the print edition but not in the online edition, can be found here.

Tim Rutten has been exposed any number of times as a slime artist and a mountebank, and something of a specialist in sliming Ann Coulter. But I wish to address this particularly vile column specifically.

It is, of course, open season on Christians in the MSM. The Virginian Pilot is no exception. The Pilot, like it’s counterparts in the “Drive By Media” has smeared Rush Limbaugh any number of times and is now in the process of smearing Ann Coulter and, by implication, all Christians.

Ann Coulter said in an interview (which can be viewed here) that if she had her wish, all people would be Christian. That was taken by the host of the show she was on, Donny Deutsch, as an attack on Judaism. It is not an attack on Jews. Neither is it an attack on any other religion, or, for that matter, atheism. She was asked – several times – what the world would be like if she had her wish, and she replied.

The faux outrage at Ann’s reply is both ignorant and a smear.

It is ignorant in so far as it fails to acknowledge Christian theology. Christians, from the days when Christ walked the earth until today, have had the commission to spread the gospel. That is what the earliest apostles did. That is what all the Christian missionaries throughout the ages have done. That is what Christ has commanded us to do. In this Ann was saying what standard Christian theology is: we want everyone to come to a belief in Jesus Christ as his savior. And anyone who calls that “bigoted” or “deeply offensive” should have his head examined. Some people may be forgiven for not realizing or knowing Christian theology and that group may include the kind of people who decide what gets printed on the editorial page of the Virginian Pilot. But that kind of ignorance is no excuse. The perpetually outraged have faked up another outrage.

But ignoring the apparent total and abysmal ignorance of what Christianity is about. If the people in the Drive By Media - who work at that failing rag the Virginian Pilot – were asked what kind of a world they would like to see you can be sure that the answer would be a world that agrees with them. If you ask a Christian what kind of world they would like, it should not surprise anyone that they would wish for everyone to have a saving faith on Jesus. Ask a Virginian Pilot editor, it would be an agnostic world where everyone is told what do by the government – for their own good, of course – guided by the wise advice of the Pilot’s editorial page; where socialism reigns supreme and taxes take 100% of everyone’s earnings and the government provides all of our good and services. Where Rush Limbaugh is shut up and Ann Coulter is banned. And the only unregulated organ in the whole wide world is the Virginian Pilot, who knows what is best for us.

Ask them, they’ll tell you.

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