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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Dis-Membered States of America

The kids who editorialize in the Virginian Pilot now want us to unite in support of their candidate for President. In Washington, a new day dawns

It is a day when a good man leaves office and an enigma appears. A pretty face spouting empty promises to make everything new and fresh again. And the Pilot asks for something it was not willing to give.
It is a moment of historic resonance that all Americans, regardless of how they voted on Election Day, should both celebrate and hold in solemn regard. It is a moment - one in a precious, steady stream of moments - that draws us closer to our nation's preamble, to our aspiration "to form a more perfect union."

I wish I could join them, but I will not. My conscience will not let me. This nation has been torn apart by the the people at the Pilot, the rest of the MSM and Hollywood. The wounds are too deep and scars too many.

The well has been poisoned and we will not drink from it.

There will be no union until this generation passes away.

Pravda was a beacon of journalistic truth and technical prowess compared with the Virginian Pilot

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