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Monday, May 24, 2010

We'll get around to it when we're good and ready. Until then shut up, peasants.

El Maximo Presidente Obama presents Versailles on the Potomac while hosting El Presidente Calderone

(Masque of the Red Death Ball at the White House)

Meanwhile in "another part of the forest" we see the detritus of the population of Mexico as it enters Arizona via the Sonoran desert.

This is on an 'illegal super - highway' from Mexico to the USA (Tucson) used by human smugglers.

It is estimated over 5,000 discarded backpacks are in this wash. Countless water containers, food wrappers, clothing, feces, including thousands of soiled baby diapers. And as you can see in this picture, fresh footprints leading right into it.

As we kept walking down the wash, we thought for sure it was going to end, but around every corner was more and more trash!

Oh, and lest we forget, there are real flesh and blood people involved and some of them, the prettier ones get to decorate the "rape trees."

A rape tree is what Mexican illegals create with the panties and bras of the women they have raped along the trail to America. After they have had their way with the women and young girls, they force them to hang their panties or bras, on the trees as a sign of their conquest.

As Michelle Obama would say: "Let the eat Wagyu."

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