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Monday, June 20, 2011

Mega-Scandal: Was ‘Gunwalker’ a PR Op for Gun Control?

I have never understood the logic behind the Obama administration's claim that the purpose of "Gunwalker" was to identify "straw buyers" or to bring down narco-terrorists.

The government agents knew who the straw buyers were. They saw them buying the guns (watching it on closed circuit TV!) and told the gun shop owners to allow the guns to be sold. Once across the border, the guns were no longer traced unless they were recovered after a crime had been committed in Mexico. At that point the only useful information was the serial number on the guns. The only useful information obtained from the serial numbers was the confirmation that these were the guns had been sold in the US. That would not stop the violence; instead, it was used to “prove” that US gun laws contributed to violence in Mexico.

Except that was not true.

Instead, it can be stated without fear of contradiction that the Obama DOJ contributed to gun violence in Mexico.

I fail to see how knowing that guns purchased in the US were being used in Mexico by the drug cartels would bring any of the cartels down. What was the DOJ going to do that was not already being done by the Mexican government? What information could the DOJ possibly provide as the result of “Gunwalker” the Mexican government that would help to combat the drug gangs? Members of the media and Democrats in government keep insisting that “Gunwalker” had a legitimate objective. I want an explanation that doesn’t involve the willing suspension of disbelief. I want an explanation that isn’t “trust us, we’re from the government.” I want an explanation that makes sense; one that doesn’t strain credulity past the breaking point.

Based on the evidence so far “Gunwalker” isn’t the usual government screw-up, it’s a crime.

The most damning revelation coming out of the hearings held by the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into Operation Fast and Furious are the unmistakable indications that the program was never designed to succeed as a law enforcement operation at all....

The obvious answer is that Gunwalker’s objective was never intended to be a “legitimate law enforcement interest.” Instead, it appears that ATF acting director Ken Melson and Department of Justice senior executives specifically created an operation that was designed from the outset to arm Mexican narco-terrorists and increase violence substantially along both sides of the Southwest border....

Considering the arming of narco-terrorist gangs, the destabilizing geopolitical effect on Mexico, the foreign policy ramifications, and the possibility of extrajudicial and criminal activity at the highest levels of the executive branch, a special prosecutor should be just one avenue of investigation. This could possibly lead to prison for senior administration officials and an indictment against President Barack Obama himself.

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