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Friday, August 26, 2011

Prevent Space Aliens from Wiping Us Out: Another Reason to Curb Greenhouse Gases

NASA, unable to go into space seems to have morphed into another government department. James Hansen is already well known as one of the leaders of the rabid doomsday cult predicting doom at the hands modern man via global warming. He is joined by Shawn Domagal-Goldman of NASA's Planetary Science Division who believes that space aliens will wipe us out to prevent us from destroying the extraterrestrial environment.

Having been challenged by scientist who have debunked the “hockey stick” theory of global warming, who would have believed that serious scientists would drag space aliens out of the closet to frighten us? Of course, they may be working for NASA, but like Hansen these are not serious scientists and that is the problem.

This is liberal fantasy masquerading as science. Here’s a news flash for Mr. Goldman and his fellow “researchers”: The aliens aren’t invading. The report is risible, even comical. Yet behind it lies a deadly serious problem - the dangerous politicization of scientific inquiry. For years, the green lobby has claimed that Earth is going to boil over. Carbon emissions supposedly imperil humanity’s future, causing Earth’s atmosphere to heat up to the point of global catastrophe. Ice caps are melting, polar bears are dying, sea levels are rising, coastal cities will be flooded, droughts will scorch large swaths of Earth, and billions will die or be driven from their homes. It will be the end of days - the apocalypse.

In fact, the opposite is true: Earth’s atmospheric temperatures have cooled during the past decade; the polar bear population is growing; the Arctic ice caps are not melting; sea levels have remained relatively stable; and hundreds of millions in countries such as India, China and Brazil have been lifted from grinding poverty. The greenhouse-gas theory is evaporating into thin air. Climate change has been the greatest hoax of our time.

When images of Manhattan under water are replaced by space aliens wiping us out for our environmental sins, you can finally begin to understand the mindset of the Green movement. These people are genuinely deranged to the extent that they don’t even realize that their pronouncements are as laughable as someone who claims to be Jesus. I’m not going to suggest we force them to undergo psychiatric evaluation, but we should treat them the same way we cross the street to avoid the crank on the street corner ranting about the end of the world. They’re probably harmless if you ignore them. Unfortunately they seem to have convinced a good many people in public office.

1 comment:

ZZMike said...

It's comforting (sort of) to know that space aliens (most certainly undocumented) are so concerned about the fate of the Earth that they're going to wipe us out.

They must have been talking to the Viet Nam Army officer (we had to destroy the village in order to save it).

I don't suppose they considered the fact that even if the entire Earth were to turn unto a ball of anthrax virus, the Universe would be safe.

On the other hand, the Guardian (sometimes called the Grauniad) is not the most respected journal on the planet.

It's interesting to note that on late-night radio show CoastToCoast, people who report contact with space aliens often relate that the aliens have views strangely similar to that of left-leaning liberals.