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Thursday, October 20, 2011

'Occupy Wall Street' [Hearts] Wall Street

Ann Coulter makes an excellent point:
The worst thing about Occupy Wall Street is that it's ruining a good cause: hating Wall Street. Just when opposing Wall Street was gaining momentum, these brain-dead zombies are forcing us to choose between thieving bankers and them.
Look, I have along and intimate knowledge of Wall Street. While I have not actually worked in New York, I have a quarter century experience with their products and how they work. And no, I’m not talking about stocks, bonds and mutual funds; I’m talking about the stuff that Wall Street loves to peddle, packaged products that no one really understands or that are blatantly misrepresented to be sold to a gullible public by almost equally gullible brokers.

And don’t get me started on hedge funds and their managers like Soros who makes literally billions of personal income manipulating currencies and government to rape entire countries financially.

The OWS protesters are not really protesting Wall Street, they are after two things: intimidating financial fat cats so that they will continue to give generously to re-elect Barack Obama, and they are protesting people they don’t like who have nothing to do with Wall Street.
Last week, the great minds of the OWS movement, bored with playing bocce ball and getting stoned, decided to protest at the homes of Wall Street's robber barons. They then proceeded to walk right past George Soros' apartment building in order to protest at the homes of Rupert Murdoch and David Koch.


You may not like Koch and Murdoch's products -- fertilizer and media -- but neither one has anything to do with Wall Street. Unlike money manipulators such as John Corzine (Democrat), Robert Rubin (Democrat) and George Soros (Democrat and Obama's biggest supporter), Koch and Murdoch make money from corporations that actually produce something.

They take risks, make things and get menaced by the government. Wall Street schemers take no risks, produce nothing and get bailed out by the government.

Even assuming, for purposes of argument, that Koch and Murdoch are as evil as these morons seems to think, the protesters call their demonstration "Occupy Wall Street," not "Occupy Businesses Whose Products We Disapprove Of."

This would be like protesting the Holocaust by walking past Adolf Hitler's house and protesting at O.J. Simpson's house.

The Flea Partiers try to win good will by pretending to protest "Wall Street" -- but they ignore Wall Street's villains. They claim to speak for 99 percent of Americans, but their sponsor, George Soros, would be delighted if America collapsed and the 99 percent were impoverished. All he cares about is his own power and pocketbook....

Are the protesters aware that the Democrats' 2010 "financial reform" bill provides for future bailouts of reckless banks? Goldman Sachs and Citibank strongly supported the bill.

The protesters don't care -- they have no interest in actual malfeasance by actual Wall Street bankers. They're too busy denouncing Fox News. (Which did not, incidentally, receive a taxpayer-funded bailout.)

And these are the intellectuals of the Occupy Wall Street movement! Never mind the ones who just think stuff should be free and America is the moral equivalent of al-Qaida. They either know that they are benefiting Wall Street looters or are utterly brainless.

Given a choice between Wall Street looters and protesters defecating in the street, throwing rocks at police and chanting "F—k the USA," most people will choose Wall Street.

As always, the mob is serving liberalism.

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