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Monday, August 19, 2013

Roger Chesley is Right!

Roger Chesley (semi-retired columnist for the Virginian Pilot) has called voter ID laws "stupid."  And he may be right.  Here are the eligibility requirements for voting in Virginia.

  • Be a resident of Virginia (A person who has come to Virginia for temporary purposes and intends to return to another state is not considered a resident for voting purposes)
  • Be a U. S. Citizen
  • Be 18 years old (Any person who is 17 years old and will be eighteen years of age at the next general election shall be permitted to register in advance and also vote in any intervening primary or special election)
  • Not be registered and plan to vote in another state
  • Not currently declared mentally incompetent by a court of law
  • If convicted of a felony, your right to vote must have been restored
That's it!
Nothing in that list says that you have to be:
  • Alive  (you don't lose your citizenship just because you die!  That's life discrimination.  The dead have a long history of voting.  For some reason they usually become staunch Democrats.)
  • Actually have the name of the person voting (go on, tell me, where does it say that?  That identity discrimination.)
  • Limited to the number of times you can vote in the same election (you just can't be registered and plan to vote in another state, the rules say nothing about how many times you can vote in Virginia, so there!  That's numerical discrimination.).
  • Mentally competent (just because you live in a nursing home and can't remember your name, that's no reason that the nice man can't fill out your absentee ballot and send it in for you.  No court has declare you mentally incompetent.  Discrimination against the elderly is just so wrong.).
Oh, and that part about being 18 to be old enough to vote is simply age discrimination.  Virginia is a horribly discriminatory state and if you don't believe it: LOVING!  (It's the one-word answer to everything discriminatory).   Time to come out of the dark ages to the new, enlightened times where people can be anything they want so be.  Born with male genitals but feel female?  In more progressive states you can use the women's bathrooms.  But no, not in Virginia!   If you can be a woman in a man's body who says you can't be an adult in a teen's body?  Feel strongly about being at least 18?  Well, Roger Chesley will be there for you and stop this horrible age slavery that Virginia has foisted upon you.  Freeeeeeeedom!

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