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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Max Boot: Trump Wrong For Speaking Bad About Dead Terrorist

Don’t speak badly about dead terrorists says Max Boot. The ink had hardly been dry on the Washington Post’s obituary fawning all over dead terrorist al-Baghdadi when Max Boot decided it was time for yet another anti-Trump lecture.

For those who need a reminder (or don't know who Max Boot is), he's a Never Trumper who was once a thought leader on the Right. Since Trump's election, his true colors are visible and he's revealed as an enabler and ally of the Left that hates you.

And this:
The U.S. media has rarely reported in detail on the actual atrocities of ISIS. And in fact, goes overboard to NOT identify terrorists because, you know, we are supposed to think all these bombings and massacres were committed by Baptists.

So a dead terrorist, one responsible for an estimated 8,300 deaths since 2013, should be sympathized with according to Max Boot, the Washington Post, Bloomberg, CNBC, and Bill Kristol among others.

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