
Saturday, March 05, 2005

Clinton Admires Iran!

With a hat tip to Charles Johnson at LGF, here's an article by Amir Taheri about comments made by Bill Clinton at the now-famous Davos conference. You know, the one at which Eason Jordan accused the US military of deliberately killing reporters. Perhaps another reason that tapes of the Davos conference have never been made public (other than to protect Jordan) is that Clinton's remarks would have caused outrage in the US - at least in Red States.

Clinton was later gave an interview to Charlie Rose in which he repeated his admiration and support of the rulers of Iran.

Where is the country that Bill Clinton, a former president of the United States, feels ideologically most at home?

Before you answer, here is the condition that such a country must fulfill: It must hold several consecutive elections that produce 70 percent majorities for “liberals and progressives.”

Well, if you thought of one of the Scandinavian countries or, perhaps, New Zealand or Canada, you are wrong.

Believe it or not, the country Bill Clinton so admires is the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Here is what Clinton said at a meeting on the margins of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, just a few weeks ago: “Iran today is, in a sense, the only country where progressive ideas enjoy a vast constituency. It is there that the ideas that I subscribe to are defended by a majority.”

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