
Thursday, April 21, 2005

Random Musings

A great deal has happened since my last post. An innocent woman, Terri Schiavo, is still dead. Her body has been cremated and the MSM has not uttered a word about her death by dehydration and starvation.

Rest in peace.

She left no written instructions. So the courts of this land took the word of her husband, who had both emotional and financial motives to wish her dead, that she wished to be killed rather than live in her condition. On the other hand, courts of this land have their doubts about the stated desire of of the living, breathing, accused would-be-hijacker Zarcarias Moussaoui to confess that he was part of the conspiracy that subjected this country to the 9/11 attack.

We can only conclude that Terri Schiavo would still be alive if she were a terrorist. Her problem was that she was innocent. There is no provision in the law for the protection of those not accused of a crime.

UPDATE: Here's an idea. Moussaoui has confessed and his confession has been accepted depite protests from his lawyers and virtually all of the legal profession. The government is going for the death penalty. In the Scjiavo case we were told that death by starvation and dehydration can lead to virtual extacy. As humane people, let's execute Moussaoui by putting him in a hospital bed, setting a police guard around him and ... then do nothing: just watch.

In other news:

The Roman Catholic Church has a new Pope. He is Benedict XVI … and he is Catholic. This is a great disappointment to the Left. It sincerely disturbs them that, with the passing of John-Paul II the Catholic Church has not embraced abortion, infanticide, gay marriage and the ordination of women. The Church of Christ has not morphed into The Church of What’s Happening Now.

The new Pope, the former Cardinal Ratziner is German, and was drafted into both the Hitler Youth and the German Army during World War II. Using that as a crutch, the NY Slimes has found a term for describing him: The Nazi Pope. So has the British newspaper The Sun.

Finally, as I write this, the question of whether the judges nominated by President Bush will get an up-or-down vote on the Senate floor is still up in the air. I have to agree with James Lileks:

I’m starting to suspect that the entire Senate should be abolished. Purge the lot of ‘em. Their drivel may be no less meretricious than their House counterparts, but it’s usually slathered with sanctimony about the Noble Nature of their particular chamber, how they’re the saucer into which passions are poured to cool. (By “cool,” they often mean “frozen to the consistency of a glacier layer laid down when the Bourbons were still a going concern.”) Such airs! They’re the only branch of government that regularly advertises its special nature and higher purpose – it’s like having a special branch of the Kiwanis made up entirely of bankers who announce, before each meeting, that they’re better than the realtors and insurance salesmen. And why? Because there are fewer of them. Well, there are fewer experts in quantum physics than there are Special Forces soldiers, but I know who I’d want to drop at night into a warzone.Meaning, uh, what? Oh, nothing. And yes, I know that the genius and virtue of the Senate is the way in which it makes Rhode Island equal to California, so the Big and Strong cannot roll over the Small, at least not until they’ve promised the Small they’ll vote for Maple Syrup price supports in the next session. But the Senate, as currently composed, seems to attract people who have that potent & fatal combination of dimness and self-regard, and when you elevate those sorts to the Great National Saucer, you get idiocies like the Bolton hearing. On one side, a charmless babbler like Joe Biden, whose instinct upon finding a bad metaphor is to attenuate it until it is three microns wide; on the other side, George Voinovich, who finally showed up for a hearing and pronounced himself Disturbed by the allegations. This is like a guy skipping class on the origins WW2 for a month then raising his hand to ask why they haven’t covered how this Hitler fellow came to power.

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