
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Holy Koran -Piss Christ

American Digest has an interesting take on the Christian virtues as practiced by those who hate Christianity. Read the whole thing.

Nearly four years into a war that began with the death of 3,000 of our fellow citizens, a situation has evolved within these United States that is without precedence in the annals of war and religion. It would seem that, even with our troops engaging the enemy wherever he can be found, and even with our troops dying daily from enemy action, that a large and substantial portion of the American population has learned to truly "love thy enemy."

What is even more remarkable about this unexpected apotheosis of one of the central tenets of Christianity is that this large and growing segment of our fellow citizens is composed of people that are, for the most part, either indifferent to or openly hostile to Christianity.

And while the hatred, disparagement and fear of Christianity is a theme of long standing among this cohort, their open and embracing love for those that have killed innocent Americans by the thousands and who seek methods, means and opportunity to kill us in the millions is a relatively new development -- at least in its brazen openness.

The latest expression of this love is the latest of a long string of loving moments and perhaps the clearest. We have, in the last few weeks, seen an almost hysterical concern for the sanitary condition of our enemies' holy book. This rambling collection of verses about this and that is invariably called by our fellow Americans in love with our enemy, "The Holy Koran," while they are careful never to refer to the Bible as "The Holy Bible."


What may look like and read like and sound like the love of our enemy by our fellow citizens is, I fear, a false and hypocritical expression of a Christian principle. It is merely a beard, and a shabby, poorly-fitted and glued-on one at that. As everyone can tell that takes a moment and looks at this "love" straight on and without blinders or bullshit, their love is merely a way of masking their hate. They care no more for the Koran and the treatment of prisoners than they care about the Bible or the status of our own soldiers fighting on foreign shores. What they like is the fact that the uncaptured and unkilled comrades of the terrorists in captivity continue to kill our soldiers at every opportunity. If "the enemy of your enemy is your friend," then surely the killer of your enemy must be your lover. If that is so, it is the least you can do to get the Red Cross into Guantanamo's cells so you can give them a hug.

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