
Friday, June 10, 2005

I Am Charlotte Simmons

If you have not read Tom Wolfe's latest book you should. It's great. And here is an excerpt from a great book review by Joey Tartakovsky.

...I graduated from college, not 53 years ago, but last year. I was there, man, and I’m telling you that Tom Wolfe is spot on. If college sat down with a ghostwriter to produce an autobiography, the result would sound and feel like I am Charlotte Simmons. That is, if the ghostwriter had a wild genius for the American language.

That Wolfe is, as his ageist detractors never fail to point out, a 74-year-old Southern man, only makes his accomplishment all the more impressive. His eyes and ears are as sharp as ever. Friday nights at his fictional Dupont University, as at any school, bump with profane nursery rhymes (popularly known as gangster rap) and shrieks of girlish delight at manly antics. Wolfe notices that young men consider it a matter of duty to watch ESPN in 3-hour blocks, even when it means being up as early as ten-thirty. (My roommates went beyond the call by placing a second TV atop the main one, for ESPN-2.) He notices that the Mashed Potato or whatever dance they did in ancient days has become The Act, Clothed. Here is a sound that every college student recognizes: that terrible ascending chime of AOL Instant Messenger ringing into dorm hallways from every room. And below the computer is a nest of wires attached to the “techie alphabet toys…the PC, the TV, the CD, DVD, DSL, VCR, MP4…each asleep rattlesnake-style with a single tiny diode-green eye open….” Wolfe paints a portrait true to life itself, composed of hundreds of acute social observations, garnered through years of research on nearly a dozen campuses.

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