
Thursday, February 09, 2006

Are you a hypersensitive, paranoid, publicity-seeking Christian?

This is too good not to copy in full (from One Hand Clapping)

In response to the Danish cartoon issue, Virginia Postrel writes,

My response to this nonsense is to wonder why Muslims don’t grow up. If your co-religionists are going to take political stands, and blow up innocent people in the name of Islam, political cartoonists are going to occasionally take satirical swipes at your religion. Those swipes may not be nuanced, but they’re what you can expect when you live in a free society, where you, too, can hold views others find offensive. If you don’t like it, move to Saudi Arabia. Or just try to peacefully convert people to Islam.

Okay, so far so good. But then she goes silly:

As Fred Barnes points out, the current cover of Rolling Stone is offensive to (hypersensitive, paranoid, publicity-seeking) Christians, but they aren’t threatening anyone with physical violence.
In Postrel-land, the only Christians who are offended by Kanye West’s (and Rolling Stones‘) mockery of Christ are “hypersensitive, paranoid, publicity-seeking” Christians.

What tripe. Does Virginia think that all Christians who revere and love Christ are shallow and unserious? Can it occur to her that devotion to our Lord is found among sober-minded normal people? We are offended, too, but we understand that living in a free society means that people will inevtiably tromp on what we consider sacred and holy. Ms. Postrel seems never to have a clue. Apparently in Postrel-lala-land, the only Christians who voice objections to mockery of their faith are “hypersensitive, paranoid, publicity-seeking,” – a claim she does not make about the Muslims rioting because of the cartoons.

Interesting that she calls Christians who objected to West’s photo, “publicity-seeking” as if wanting publicity had nothing to do with West’s decision to mock Jesus.

Truly, Virginia’s commentary is one of the stupidest things I’ve read recently. And it seems to me she reveals, unwittingly, the real object of her contempt. It isn’t Muslims rioting because of cartoons, it’s Christians who simply speak out against mockery of their Lord. What bigotry.

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