
Saturday, May 06, 2006

Liberals on How We Should Live

From Joe's Dartblog

A funny thing about liberals, especially when they stray off the Big Government pathway and into the tall, tall grass of left-wing energy policy, is that at their core they are conservative. Very, very conservative. Nuclear power? Too newfangled. Coal, oil? Instruments of the devil himself. Wind? Not in my gorgeous backyard, you don’t. Let’s just conserve. Let’s do less, work less, move less, hire less, build less. Let’s take it slow. And I thought of this strange little truth when I read the opening paragraph of the top post on the Daily Kos website, which I’ll reprint below because I suspect you, reader, will feel the very same ominous gut howl that I did when I realized where ‘DarkSyde’ must be going with this:

(click on the link)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:15 AM

    In your post you make the statement that liberals are opposed to nuclear power because they are 'newfangled.'
    Any rational persons objections to nuclear power would include:
    1. too expensive to build
    2. too expensive to operate
    3. What do you do with the waste?
    At this time nuclear waste is leaking out of storage tanks at Hanford Nuclear Reservation; this leakage will eventually reach the Colombia River, rendering the fishery there unusable. This waste has been in storage since WWII, and is what is left over from the production of the atomic bombs.
    4. nuclear powerplants in the US are only licensed to operate for 40 years. What do you do with them at the end of this period?
    5. At Chernobyl the lethal radiation radius was 10 km
    I have never heard of any liberal that has been opposed to wind power, so this is a bogus argument. As for non-renuable sources like oil and coal, oil production is rapidly approaching its peak. Coal is fine, as long as the emissions are cleaned up. I have an issue with the type of strip mining that has conducted in places like West Virginia; and so hare most of the people that live their. Having clean air to breath is not a liberal or conservative issue. The incidence of asthma amongst children in this country is epedimic; we all have a right to clean air.
    It has been conservatives in Congress who have consistently stymied efforts to increase fuel efficiency of automobiles. They are more interested in how much money they can get from their corporate masters than doing what is right for the country.
