
Monday, July 24, 2006

Ann Coulter thrown into Lions' Den: Lions torn to shreds

Free Republic's "JohnHuang2" has an outstanding essay on Ann Coulter. I am reproducing it in full because for some reason, Free Republic is blocked on my corporate internet access program.

I hear that she's the most reviled woman in America -- her negatives are sky-high. She's all about self-promotion and attention-getting. She says divisive and outrageous things to grab headlines and airtime. And sell her books and raise speaking fees. All of which feeds her ego. But enough about Hillary Clinton.

Now, about Ann Coulter. If I understand the liberal stance on Coulter, she makes up facts, no, wait, she "copies" facts, and there's no one as "mean" as Ann Coulter, no, wait, she "plagiarizes" from other Ann Coulters and she's just an entertainer lining her pocket, no, wait, she's a "hater" and a "Nazi" and a "Fundi" and a "stick" and a "turd" and a "witch" and a "whore" who calls other people names. And likes to insult Michael Moore and Randi Rhodes, unflawed paragons of refinement and civility. Coulter could learn a lot about civility from Al Franken. Now, as good liberals, we're against censorship and all that, and we'd like newspapers to drop Ann Coulter. From a 100-story building.

Liberals complain that Coulter gets too much attention, so they show up on The Daily Show and The Today Show and The Tonight Show and the Broadcasting Corporation of Outer Nigeria to complain that Coulter gets too much attention.

As you'll recall, not long ago, liberals decided that the most effective and compelling way to counter Ann Coulter's "dangerous" ideas is to take the high road and throw food at her. A couple of sissies at the University of Arizona reacted to Coulter's speech by "charging the stage and throwing two pies at (her) from a few yards away" (, 4/13/05).

Liberals have no problem surrendering to al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Iran, North Korea -- they're even asking Germany and Japan if we can still surrender -- but vow never to be taken alive by the blond chick. (Libs briefly considered surrendering to the Taepodong-2 missile until it fell harmlessly in the Sea of Japan.)

So it's small wonder that Libbies have reacted to Coulter's latest work with their typical thoughtfulness and restraint.

"There's another good thing about Coulter," observes DemocraticUnderground poster, 11 Bravo. "Despite all the evidence to the contrary, she is probably human. That means that some day the bitch will die, hopefully in excruciating pain, lying in a ditch while rabid rats the size of cocker spaniels gnaw at her entrails." I've never seen people enjoying death so much.

While the rats at DU fantasized of gnawing at Coulter's entrails, poster lolly of the Huffing&Puffington Post warmly noted that "The only good conservative is a dead conservative."

Simon Dumenco, columnist for Advertising Age, called for Coulter to kill herself. "Would it kill you, 'Godless' author Ann Coulter, to do us all a favor and kill yourself," wrote Mr. Demento.

Actor Sean Penn keeps an Ann Coulter action doll on his desk. He uses it to put out cigarettes. "We violate her," said Penn, bursting with pride. "There are cigarette burns in some funny areas." In fairness, this is nothing new for Penn. He's always played with dolls.

Libbies have their turbans stuck in a mangle over Coulter's new book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism. Liberals want to ban school prayer, ban the 10 Commandments and yank 'In God We Trust' from our coins, yet Coulter calls them godless. The Nerve.

Judging from their hysterical response, the only thing that worries libbies more than Rush Limbaugh having sex is Ann Coulter writing a new book.

The main thrust of Coulter's book is that liberals refuse to accept the very idea of God, vilify believers in God (unless his name is Allah) and that liberalism itself has all the thumbprints of religion. Notice how liberals also believe in miracles. Raise taxes and watch the economy boom! Hillary willing, of course. Be nice to bullies like Kim Jong-il and they'll leave you alone! Communism works (Soviets gave up too soon)! Releasing criminals lowers crime! Racial quotas promote racial harmony! Welfare promotes healthy families! Condoms promote abstinence! Democrats can win an election! You can make it home alive with a Kennedy at the wheel!

Faith-based political dogma. Liberals believing in miracles. How wonderful. But some miracles are just too impossible. Such as liberals being able to follow the thrust of Coulter's argument. Which is why the debate over Coulter's book has centered on a few lines on page 103 and 112.

Referring to the Jersey Girls, Coulter notes how "these broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by the grief-arazzis. I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much." Coulter asks, "How do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies?" Maybe that sentence is a low blow. Coulter should apologize to harpies for comparing them to the Jersey Girls.

In the chapter titled, "Liberal Doctrine of Infallibility: Sobbing Hysterical Women," Coulter notes how liberals "choose only messengers whom we're not allowed to reply to . . . All the most prominent liberal spokesmen are people with 'absolute moral authority' -- Democrats with a dead husband, a dead child, a wife who works at the CIA, a war record," etc. "That's why all Democratic spokesmen these days are sobbing, hysterical women." Like John Kerry. Whining about the Swiftboat meanies questioning the authenticity of his war record. (CBS says it can vouch for it, though.)

Coulter notes how Democrats use the same debate stifling technique by fronting the Jersey Girls, who lobbied for the formation of the 9/11 Commission to investigate George Bush. "You can't respond to them because that would be questioning the authenticity of their suffering." In response, the Jersey Girls issued a joint statement, condemning Coulter for questioning the authenticity of their suffering. And invoking the memories of their husbands.

And so it goes. Liberals keep proving Coulter right.

Libbies are such ingrates. Here Coulter tries to help them climb out of the Dark Ages and all they do is throw food at her and hurl accusations. Such as the "plagiarism" charge, which has since crumbled into subatomic particles. Coulter supposedly "copied" her words from other Ann Coulters, who oddly never came forward to complain. Another miracle!

Coulter's syndicator, Universal Press Syndicate, looked into the allegations and found them to be bogus. Coulter's publisher, Crown Publishing Group, looked into the allegations and found to be bogus.

Poor, poor libbies. No Plagiarism Fairy. No Fitzmas. No Zarqawi. No Rove indictment. No space shuttle explosion. Failed missile tests for Kimmy. Conservative victory in Mexico. Terrorist plots foiled. Coulter's book No. 1 on the New York Times best-seller list. Liberals are having a terrible century.

Anyway, that's
My Two Cents...

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