
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Denial is Not A River In Egypt (On the Terrorist Shooting in Seattle)

From NR Online:

...the Post-Intelligencer story is so typical of what happens in a society and a government which default from the ideology part of an ideological war.
A Muslim man walks into not just any building in Seattle — not even just any identifiably Jewish location in Seattle — but into the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, whose mission since 1926, according to the website it maintains, is to "ensure Jewish survival and to enhance the quality of Jewish life locally, in Israel and worldwide."

The Muslim man has obviously not only carefully chosen the target but cased the place. There's a security system, so he waits until someone attached to the Federation enters using her access code, then he pounces, forcing his way through the open door. He brandishes a large caliber, semi-automatic handgun. He announces that he's a Muslim angry at Israel. Then he randomly, wantonly opens fire — shooting six women, one of whom is pregnant, one of whom is killed.

So what happens? The police don't even want to admit that he's Muslim ("You could infer that," the police chief tells the reporters who press this patently relevant question). And the FBI insists it's not terrorism.

Now, it could not conceivably be more clear that it is terrorism. ...

This is militant Islam in action, but we don't want to think or talk about Islam, so we'll pretend that the fact he's a Muslim is irrelevant ...

The question before the house is WHY? Why do the police, the FBI and the MSM deny that which is undeniably true? And a follow-up question: how stupid do they think we are?

From the Seattle Times:

Kerlikowske [Seattle Police Chief] said police officers throughout the city were being asked to step up patrols of synagogues and mosques.

"We are protecting mosques because there is always concern about retaliatory activity," he said.

Right ... you never can tell about those rampaging Jewish mobs.

Hugh Hewitt expand on the theme of "not terrorism:

There is a continuum in the media's coverage of terrorist incidents that runs from John Hinkley through Sirhan Sirhan and Oswald to McVeigh and the 19 of 9/11. Each was a political act, though in Hinkley's case there wasn't a "political" motive. But the "mental state" of a terrorist doesn't help the public sort through the implications of a terrorist act. Any crime of violence done to avenge a political grievance is an act of terrorism. Haq's murder of at least one employee of the Jewish Federation is an act of terrorism. What the public needs to know is the likelihood of other such acts being committed by similarly situated individuals. Introducing "mental illness" so early in the story is an invitation to say "lone whacko," and leave it at that. Mistake number one.

There is also a continuum in the amount of organization that surrounds a terrorist, and those with the most organization are state actors, like Lenin and Saddam. The 19 of 9/11 had a lot of organization, and the London bombers of 7/11/05 had enough to kill scores. We don't know if Haq had any, or even if there were people in his life suspicious of his direction who did not act on it. We don't know if there was a particular "trigger" or a long thought out plan. If Haq acted alone there will be a temptation to again declare "lone whacko" and leave it at that. Mistake number two.

Cold-blooded killers working in a highly organized network are much more of a threat than voice-hearing lone whackos. But as yesterday proved, the latter can savage a small group and through them a community and a country. It isn't enough for the vaunted MSM to declare "lone whacko" and move back to the churlishness of the Israelis.

We need to find out a great deal about Haj. Quickly.

From AskMom:

No, whether this man had explicit help from other Jihadists or not, today we smelt the first Islamist cordite wafting through downtown Seattle, felt the first piece of Jihadi shrapnel in our flesh. Jews have been first in the line of fire elsewhere; today they were the first fallen on Seattle’s battlefield. They will not be the last; the baby killers and torturers of children have promised us that.

Seattle media types must believe it is a hanging offense to speak simple truth. They are afraid to state for the record that it is just bad, wrong and evil to use civilians for shields, murder innocents and seek world domination at any price.

Seattle's glitterati can't find it in their organic, union-label hearts to criticize those who manipulate children into becoming suicide bombers. Our news readers and talking heads find fighting for survival and genocide to be morally indistinguishable. They are so full of leftover sixties peace and love that even a stone cold theological killer in their own town cannot convince them that there is a religious war on.

They are fools, and not even lovable or charming fools. Their dance of denial and deception is moving beyond tediousness and towards foolhardiness and even treason.

And Horsefeathers says that everyone said the was "such a good boy."

The Seattle Times profile of Haq is careful to tell us that he was a good, good boy. After all, his high school yearbook photo "..revealed a big smile, friendly eyes, buttoned-down collar and smart tie. "Peace Be Unto You" were the words that appeared with his name and picture. Other students said that image and message fit the young man..."

Where could such a good boy possibly have gone wrong? Perhaps he absorbed Jew-hatred at the local mosque, one of whose founders was his father? And perhaps gunning down five defenseless women has something to do with his identification with cowardly Islamo-Nazi Jew haters who lob missiles into Kindergartens? Or might it derive, in part, from Islam's 'religious' support for the enactment of sexually perverse, sado-masochistic wishes and fantasies? Remember those snuff porn, beheading videos? Oh we forgot, Islam is a Religion of Peace, so it must be something else.

Of course it could be a Rovian Plot to make Muslims look bad.

And from Transterrestrial Musings (read the whole thing):

And it allows the "authorities" to absurdly claim that the Pakistani who just went on the shooting spree in Seattle isn't a "terrorist," because he didn't bring along his Al Qaeda membership card and decoder ring.

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