
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A CBS Story "Too Important to Ignore"

Michelle Malkin illustrates how the MSM and the academics in journalism attack the new media for the very sins committed daily by the drive-by media.


  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Folks need to start reading Charles Krauthammer, George Will, William Buckley, and the rest, and stop listening to Rush and the Hannitizer. Real conservatives are starting to wake up and actually think through this thing, and not just parrot the talking points provided by Herr Rove. Think for yourselves, folks, and maybe look up the word "conservative" while you're at it. This was a liberal war, started by the second most liberal Republican president ever. Wake up and start thinking.

  2. Anonymous8:44 PM

    JANUARY 29, 2007, 5:44 PM
    The Growing Chorus of Antiwar Conservatives
    In many ways, the war in Iraq is looking more and more like the last
    days of the Vietnam War. It is becoming increasingly clear that the
    situation is hopeless and the administration’s strategy is incapable
    of achieving victory. Yet the president insists that additional
    resources can still turn the situation around. Although he has little
    credibility left, many continue to support him in some vain hope that
    the sacrifices of our soldiers can somehow be vindicated and given

    But unlike in 1973 and 1974, when political conservatives rallied
    around President Nixon, growing numbers of those in the conservative
    intelligentsia have concluded that the war was wrong to begin with
    and is now unwinnable. Even as Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Sean
    Hannity and other right-wing talk show hosts have, over the last
    year, loudly ratcheted up their support for the war, the number of
    conservative critics has been growing almost daily.

    As long ago as June 2004, William F. Buckley Jr., founder of the
    National Review magazine, was quoted in The New York Times saying,
    “With the benefit of minute hindsight, Saddam Hussein wasn’t the kind
    of extra-territorial menace that was assumed by the administration a
    year ago. If I knew then what I know now about what kind of situation
    we would be in, I would have opposed the war.”

    By 2006, the voices of prominent conservatives pronouncing the war
    and its conduct to be deeply flawed were becoming a chorus. In April,
    Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, told students at the
    University of South Dakota, “It was an enormous mistake for us to try
    to occupy that country after June of 2003. We have to pull back and
    we have to recognize it.”

    In June, John Derbyshire of National Review published a mea culpa in
    that magazine, calling the Iraq war “obviously a gross error.” He
    went on to say, “It’s a tough thing, to admit you were wrong. It’s
    way tough if you’re a big-name pundit with a reputation to preserve.
    For those of us down at the bottom of the pundit pecking order, the
    stakes aren’t so high. I, at any rate, am willing to eat some crow
    and say: I wish I had never given any support to this fool war.”

    The following month, Milton Friedman, the free-market economist who
    died in November, told The Wall Street Journal that he had opposed
    the Iraq war from the beginning. “I think it was a mistake, for the
    simple reason that I do not believe the United States of America
    ought to be involved in aggression.”

    Since President Bush announced a “surge” of 21,500 additional troops
    to Iraq in early 2007, many more conservatives have spoken out. On
    Jan. 11, General William Odom of the conservative Hudson Institute
    wrote an article in The New York Daily News opposing the surge and
    calling for an immediate pullout. “Write off the democracy goal as a
    draw, declare a tactical victory, and withdraw in good order,” Odom
    wrote. “Of course a terrible mess will be left, but more troops and
    money can only make it worse, not better.”

    That same day Rod Dreher, a former editor at National Review, spoke
    out against the war in a deeply felt commentary on National Public
    Radio. Dreher said:

    As President Bush marched the country to war with Iraq, even some
    voices on the Right warned that this was a fool’s errand. I dismissed
    them angrily. I thought them unpatriotic. But almost four years
    later, I see that I was the fool.

    In Iraq, this Republican President for whom I voted twice has shamed
    our country with weakness and incompetence, and the consequences of
    his failure will be far, far worse than anything Jimmy Carter did.

    The fraud, the mendacity, the utter haplessness of our government’s
    conduct of the Iraq war have been shattering to me. It wasn’t
    supposed to turn out like this. Not under a Republican President.

    I turn 40 next month – middle aged at last – a time of discovering
    limits, finitude. I expected that. But what I did not expect was to
    see the limits of finitude of American power revealed so painfully. I
    did not expect Vietnam.

    As I sat in my office last night watching President Bush deliver his
    big speech, I seethed over the waste, the folly, the stupidity of
    this war. I had a heretical thought for a conservative – that I have
    got to teach my kids that they must never, ever take Presidents and
    Generals at their word – that their government will send them to kill
    and die for noble-sounding rot – that they have to question authority.

    On the walk to the parking garage, it hit me. Hadn’t the hippies
    tried to tell my generation that? Why had we scorned them so
    blithely? Will my children, too small now to understand Iraq, take me
    seriously when I tell them one day what powerful men, whom their
    father once believed in, did to this country? Heavy thoughts for
    someone who is still a conservative despite it all. It was a long
    drive home.

    Even Republican loyalist Peggy Noonan, a speechwriter for Ronald
    Reagan and columnist for The Wall Street Journal, had to admit that
    she saw little hope for success in Bush’s latest effort. On Jan. 12,
    she wrote:

    I had the odd and wholly unexpected experience of feeling supportive
    of a troop increase until I saw the president’s speech arguing for
    it. What a jarring, furtive-seeming thing it was.

    Surely the Iraq endeavor and those who’ve fought in it and put their
    hopes in it deserve more than collapse, withdrawal and calamity.
    But . . . 20,000 more troops, who’ll start to arrive over the next
    few months, and we’ll press the Iraqi government to be tougher? A
    young journalist who is generally supportive of the president said,
    “So this is it? The grand strategy is to repeat a strategy they
    weren’t able to execute the first time they tried it?”

    What a dreadful mistake the president made when he stiff-armed the
    Iraq Study Group report, which had bipartisan membership, an air of
    mutual party investment, the imprimatur of what remains of or is
    understood as the American establishment, and was inherently moderate
    in its proposals: move diplomatically, adjust the way we pursue the
    mission, realize abrupt withdrawal would yield chaos. There were
    enough good ideas, anodyne suggestions and blurry recommendations
    (blurriness is not always bad in foreign affairs – confusion can buy
    time!) that I thought the administration would see it as a life raft.
    Instead they pushed it away.

    William Buckley was also unimpressed by the president’s new strategy.
    In a Jan. 15 column, he opposed the surge, saying, “A geographical
    division of Iraq is inevitable. The major players are obvious. It
    isn’t plain how America, as an outside party, could play an effective
    role, let alone one that was decisive, in that national redefinition.
    And America would do well to encourage non-American agents to act as
    brokers – people with names like Ban Ki-moon.”

    Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer was equally unimpressed.
    In a Jan. 19 column, he opposed the surge on the grounds that the
    present Iraqi government is untrustworthy. He called for a pullback
    from Baghdad, but not from Iraq, until the sectarian civil war had
    fought itself out or the government was able to restore control.

    For now, National Review and other conservative publications remain
    officially in favor of the war, despite the defection of some of
    their longtime contributors. However, political reality may soon
    force a break with the White House. Conservative columnist Robert
    Novak reports that Republican politicians are increasingly restless
    over Iraq and that their opposition has risen since Bush’s troop
    surge announcement: “What was whispered privately is now declared
    publicly.” He went on to quote a prominent Republican strategist as
    saying, “Iraq is a black hole for the Republican Party.” Novak cited
    a Republican pollster who predicted losses greater than 2006 if Iraq
    is still an issue in 2008.
