
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

New and old conventional wisdom

Via Glenn Reynolds:

OLD CONVENTIONAL WISDOM: "Rumsfeld and Bush should have listened to the generals."
Shut up, generals.


Here's more from Hugh Hewitt's blog (by Dean Barnett):
If John Warner thinks Dave Petraeus doesn’t know what he’s talking about, he should explain why that’s the case in a detailed fashion. The same goes for Susan Collins, Norm Coleman, Gordon Smith and the rest of the pro-resolution gang. But I haven’t heard a Senator from either side of the aisle explain why he or she thinks the surge will fail with anything more comprehensive than Andrew’s virtual sound byte. When General Petraeus testified in the Senate yesterday, the Senators doing the questioning were loath to engage him in a tactical debate, clearly sensing their limitations. Yet without Petraeus in the room, the same Senators promise to be uninhibited when it comes time to vote for a resolution that will say in effect that Petraeus is wrong about the tactics he is pursuing.

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