
Saturday, January 13, 2007

PBS: Christianity made Islam Antisemitic

Diana West has caught PBS in its usual role of bashing Christianity and shilling for Islam.

According to the show, Jews basically caused Anti-Semitism in the Arab-Muslim region around them by first building the tiny modern state of Israel (500 times smaller than that Arab Muslim region), and then actually trying to defend it against a host of Muslim armies and terror groups. As PBS tells it, it isn't the genocidal proclivities of surrounding Muslim nations that have caused war unending on the Jewish state; it's the continued existence of the Jewish state that has caused the genocidal proclivities. The show practically begs a viewer to ask, Well, what else could you expect?

Read the whole thing.

UPDATE: Responses to the article varied including typical attacks by liberal including one who uses the name of liberalgoodman.

Liberalgoodman said:
This thread makes clear beyond arguing that religious chauvinism alive and well among conservatives.

I replied: I realize that name-calling is considered “reasoning” of “argument” by liberals so you are asked to understand liberalgoodman. It’s the way people like him communicate. What is interesting is the fact that no one siding with the Muslims on this issue addresses the fact that the Koran specifically instructs believing Muslims on the treatment of Jews: kill them, subjugate them, and – in the modern interpretation – destroy them as a people and as a nation. We are dealing here with both historical anti-Semitism, of which both Christians as well as Muslims are rightly accused, as well as the virulent anti-Semitism now practiced by Muslims. And this anti-Semitism is now an article of faith and freely expressed by large portions of the Left. I believe this is largely the result of the old belief that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

The Left now hates America, the Right, Bush and especially committed Christians so much that it has embraced anti-Semitism in solidarity with Islamofascists who are today the most visible, active and violent opponents of America.

liberalgoodman said:
osthode: I understand why Jews wanted a country. Now you have to understand why Palestinians didn't want it to be theirs. Actually . . . I'm sure you do, but it's impossible to say it.

I replied: Here is another interesting example of being able to prove virtually anything assuming you can set the terms of the debate. For the Left, the Middle East’s history began with the establishment of the Jewish State. Forget about the establishment of the other States in the region, largely as the result of European nations drawing national borders and setting up native rulers. Forget about the history of the region before that, including the establishment of the original Jewish nation in Old-Testament times. Forget about the wars between Israel and its neighbors, the Roman conquest, the Diaspora and all the other bits and piece of history, both Jewish and non-Jewish. Forget about the Muslim wars of conquest during the rise of the Caliphate which almost overran Europe. No. the only, overriding irredeemable wrong done by any people anywhere in history was when Jews fled the death camps of Europe to settle in their “Promised Land” and took an unproductive desert and made it bloom. How dare they.

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