
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Put Em Up, Or Shut Up

Rockefeller accuses Cheney of cooking the books to get us into war. Flopping Aces reminds us of a few things:

Let's see, Rockefeller was head of the Sen Intel Com (SSCI) before the vote on war in 2002. He had seen consistent intel on Iraq for years. He came out and was even more hawkish that W ever was. He said there was unmistakable evidence Saddam was making nukes. If there is ONE person who had access to all the intel, it was Rockefeller. As soon as the vote was over, he became a dove.

We know from the Rockefeller memo that he did his 180 just for purely political reasons. He sought to divide the nation at a time of war. Me, I see that as treason, or at least action warranting a censure. From 2003 forward he demanded investigations into the intel. 2004 came around, investigation showed there was no pressure, manipulation, creation, or misuse of intel. He demanded a comparison of the pre-war claims to post-war finds. He got it, and it showed people were just plain wrong-nothing more. Then he raved that W had pressured the then SSCI Chair to stall those investigations. He's still making that claim...problem he's head of SSCI. If the Phase II version 3 investigation were politically held up as this liar claims, then it would effectively have been complete in 2006 when the Phase II version 1 and version 2 were released-or at least complete now.

So where is it Senator? If VP Cheney put pressure on the previous SSCI Chairman to not release the last phase of the investigations into pre-war intel, then why don't YOU release it? Your the head of the SSCI.

Read the rest.

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