
Thursday, February 08, 2007

John Edwards Blogmistresses

Since returning from a brief vacation I am intrigued by the controversy surrounding the Edwards campaign decision to hire two foul mouthed anti-Christian bigots as their contacts to the blogosphere.

As the Political Pit Bull says, I have no dog in this fight because I had no intention of voting for John Edwards in any election, but it’s an indication of the strength of the far-Left blogosphere that the two women should have retained their jobs after the content of their websites were made public. The language used as well as the sentiments expressed are obscene … literally.

For a sample, click (warning, vile language) here.
That having been said, it's at least worth mentioning that this man wants to be President of the United States; if he can't stand up to a couple doofuses on a computer, how the hell is he going to stand up to our enemies?
But Edwards, like very other candidate for the Democrat nomination for President is now firmly enmeshed in the coils of the Leftist “netroots” and cannot escape alive. From the leftist perspective, it’s empowering and heady. From the citizen’s perspective its frightening. We are seeing a slow motion revolution in the US, foreshadowed perhaps by the Chavez revolution in Venezuela, where that country’s President has morphed into a dictator in fact and in law.

Pray for the country.

Lord, bless us and forgive the sins we have committed.

UPDATE: Click HERE for John Edwards' diary. And HERE for "The Pendagon Papers."

Catholic League Won't Let John Edwards Forget

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