
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Portland loves its anarchist thugs

Via Michelle Malkin:
A reminder of just how lovely, polite, and respectful Portland's kids are:


  1. Ahh, but what do you have in common with Portland's anarchists? Neither of you like the MSM. The extreme right and extreme left have more in common than you think.

  2. Chris,

    I’m not sure of your point. Is disapproval of anarchists who burn American flags and effigies of soldiers and drape banners saying “fuck the troops” an extreme position? For someone who implies his middle-of-the-road position that seems to be a dead give-away.

    OK, I really do understand your point. I was just joshing you. You were trying to establish a moral equivalence between the Portland kids and your mental image of “extremists on the Right.” Just as people like you (if I may take the same liberties as you have taken with me) equate Methodists with Moslem fanatics. You see, they are both religious so they are both trying to establish theocracies, right?

    Sure, it's only a matter of time until Methodist mobs rampage throught the streets setting fire to you and your kind. Only in your fevered imagination, Chris.
