
Thursday, March 29, 2007


“If your mother says she loves you check it out.”

Ah, the myth of the hard hitting, skeptical reporter. To be honest, I have never met a more ignorant, biased, gullible bunch of rubes in my life.

Some clod with a British title gives a speech to the National Press club about US autos not being allowed into China because they don’t meet Chinese emission standards has been repeated by this same schmuck several times and echoed by the brain trusts in Hollywood – the people who pretend to be someone else for a living.

And the room believes him!

I even wrote a post on it here.

And why not? They believe in man-made global warming based on a sci-fi movie made by a failed seminarian and Presidential also-ran.

It would not be so bad, but you don’t have to travel to China to find out that this is total BS. A quick Google search will expose the lie. Or call General Motors. But here we have people making hundreds of thousands if not millions a year, the conduit through which millions of Americans get their “facts,” and these jackasses swallow this one whole!

Thank God for Rush Limbaugh… and Tim Blair.

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