
Sunday, March 18, 2007

The "real" federal prosecutor scandal. Dems use it to steal the next election.

There appears to be a coordinated effort on the part of Democrats and their media allies to prevent investigation of voter fraud by US attorneys.

Reasons for the firing of 8 US Attorneys have varied. Some, like Carol Lam, were ousted for failure to pursue cases against illegal immigrants. Others, like John McKay and David Inglasias were fired for failure to pursue voter fraud.

Voter fraud, unlike many other crimes, strikes at the very heart of our system of government. We do not need to be reminded of the closeness of recent elections for the very highest offices from President to Governors to Senators and Representatives.

It will not do for the Democrats in congress to make it politically impossible to bring voter fraud charges. It will not do for the partisan press (read NY Times) to dismiss charges of widespread voter fraud and voter intimidation as non-problems when it suits their ideological purposes.

From press reports it appears that most of the voter fraud was committed by operatives from the Democrat party.

It is becoming very apparent that the faux outrage among the democrats in congress and the press is designed to insure that voter fraud committed by democrats now becomes the third rail of politics. In the future, and federal prosecutor who brings charges against Democrats who commit voter fraud will now be accused of committing a political hit job under orders from the Bush administration.

That is the real outrage and it is happening right in the open.

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