
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Truther on the Stump

Mark Steyn shows how John Edwards reacts to a 9/11 conspiracy nut:
If ever there was a perfect time for a Sister Souljah moment, this was it: John Edwards promises a 9/11 conspiracy theorist that he'll look into the collapse of World Trade Center 7 and get back to him - and he takes down his contact details.

Since Senator Edwards is happy to look into whether WTC7 was an inside job, I wonder if he could also investigate whether Bush-Cheney-Rove-Rumsfeld also pulled off Bali, Beslan, Istanbul, Madrid and the London Tube bombings. And where are they hiding the cost of this planet-wide "war on terror" fakery? In the Katrina appropriations?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you're just being divisive. Mr. Edwards was merely acknowledging this man's concerns and reaching out to the people.

    I also have a bridge for sale in Philadelphia at a cheap price.

    If a Nazi showed up at an Edwards rally denouncing Bush, I think Edwards might say that the world was a little hard on Hitler and that He'd have to be a skinhead for a few weeks to "learn" more about it.
