
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thomas Sowell: Random Thoughts

Bill Clinton's attack on President Bush's commuting of Scooter Libby's prison sentence qualifies Clinton for the Guinness Book of World Records in chutzpa.

Whenever I hear terrorists referred to in the media as "militants," it is a painful reminder that we have degenerated to the point where we no longer even have the courage to talk straight.

Does anybody seriously believe that "hate speech" prohibitions will be applied to Muslims demonizing Jews, to blacks demonizing whites, or to women demonizing men?

Before we panic about "global warming," we should take a look at six-day weather forecasts and see how much they change during those six days -- quite aside from how much they differ from what the weather actually turns out to be.

Wisdom and cleverness are very different things. My nominations for the three wisest presidents would be Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan. For the three cleverest -- FDR, Nixon and Clinton.

In politics, there are few skills more richly rewarded than the ability to misstate issues in a way that will sound plausible and attractive.

Most of the time, I don't feel any different from the way I felt when I was 50 years younger. But that doesn't mean that I can actually do whatever I did when I was 50 years younger.

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