
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Democrat Macaca Moment. Media "Uncomfortable."

Suppose a well known “lady of the night” declared her virginity and told you that all this talk about sex bothers her. Would you believe that?

That is the situation the drive-by-media find themselves in as they declare that the race war that has erupted in the Democrat primary is making them “uncomfortable.“ Here is a transcript, courtesy of, from Hardball with Chris Matthews:

Now, last night on PMSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, they spoke with Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post and Roger Simon of Politico, about the Uncivil War between Hillary and Barack Obama. Matthews said, "Roger, it seems to me that it was manifestly true that he was alluding to the same thing other people in the Clinton world had been doing, trying to nail Obama as a youthful drug offender."

SIMON: This is really uncomfortable stuff. Even at the best of times we don't like talking about race in this country, and in the super-heated atmosphere of a presidential campaign, it becomes even more uncomfortable.

CAPEHART: And, you know, Chris, this is really unfortunate that here we are at the -- we're really at a moment, a very historic moment in the country, but particularly for the Democratic Party where you could have -- you poss... you had the first viable female candidate for president, the first viable African-American candidate for president, both seeking the nomination for the Democratic Party to run for president, and things seem to be running off the rails over this issue of race.

Oh really? The press is uncomfortable talking about race? The press is uncomfortable about accusations of racism? Sure, and I believe that prostitute is pure as the wind driven snow.


Now, isn't it interesting that they find all this uncomfortable? It makes them nervous. They're wringing their hands. "Why, we don't like all this race talk in our party." Right, you keep it behind closed doors. You're obsessed with it. Now it's surfaced. It's out in public. They didn't find Macaca uncomfortable, did they? They loooooved Macaca! They loved it! They didn't find Trent Lott uncomfortable when he had a little passing comment about Strom Thurmond at a birthday party. They loooooved it! They loooooved destroying Trent Lott. They loooooved it -- and, of course, they didn't find Donovan McNabb uncomfortable and they didn't find Terrell Owens dumping on McNabb uncomfortable. No, they loved all of that. What great news it made! But now, when it's an Uncivil War among the Democrats, "Why, really uncomfortable stuff. We don't like talking about race in this country." Bull! You love talking about race in the Drive-By Media. You love it! You are obsessed with race. You're obsessed with sexism. You're obsessed with all of these isms!

Imagine for a moment that the remarks about Obama had been made by a Republican. The media would not have let it go. It would have made the front page in the Washington Post (as “macaca” did) for weeks. Friendly reporters would have written about it. Larry Sabato would have recalled all previous times that the person used the "N" word. Of course we don't have to go far to find that both Bill and Hillary used the "N" word, but we don't think that Larry Sabato will put his two cents into this debate. But the Clintons are equal opportunity racists and pott y mouths. A little searching on the web comes up with Hillary's reference to "...f****ng Jew bastards..."

There would have been no soul searching or any apparent "discomfort" labelling the Republican a racist. If it had been a Republican orchestrating these attacks, the perp would have been forced to go into political purgatory, or the witness protection program. The media likes nothing better than to find and destroy Republicans who they can label as racists, bigots, homophobes or worse.

But let the door open to the racism run rampant in the Democrat party and the media plays coy. Do they really think we are that stupid? Are they suffering from dementia? We know that the media are joined at the hip to the Democrats. They are the print and broadcast arm of the Democrat party. It’s obvious that they would like the racism in that party to go back under cover. But to lie about their love of a good racist story is ludicrous. Once a whore, always a whore.

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