
Friday, February 22, 2008

Barack Obama, Meet the Milblogs

From NR Online:

I can't wait until Ralph Peters and the milblogs get ahold of Sen. Obama's claim that American forces in Afghanistan are forced to capture the ammo they need to fight.

It's the kind of ludicrous claim one expects to hear from a caller on late night talk radio, not from a potential president of the US. Does Sen. Obama have ANYTHING to back this up?

Ace of Spades chimes in:

The Messiah: US Troops In Afghanistan So Under-supplied They Must Capture The Very Ammo With Which They Fight
Really, Jesus 2.0?


You really going with that, buddy?

You sure of that?



thanks to CJ.

Just So I Understand This... But Afghanistan is apparently awash in NATO 5.56mm ammunition, which can be used to load NATO guns, if only it can be taken (via fisticuffs, I imagine) from the local Afghan warlords and Taliban fighters?

Really? NATO 5.56mm, huh? In a third world country? A third world country with tons of AK-47s and AK-74s because it is 1) a third world country and 2) a former conquest off the Soviet Union?

But they're, like, completely stocked with NATO 5.56mm rounds over there, huh?



Correction: Actually, he claims alternately that the US troops are "capturing Tally-ban weapons" and that they have to capture "the equipment" they need.

He doesn't say ammo.

It's weapons/equipment.

But, of course, if we're capturing AK-47s, we also need to be capturing the Soviet or Chinese 7.62mm ammo that loads into it.

Amazing. Fucking amazing.

It's All Too True: Below, captured footage of US soldiers forced to fight hand to hand against a Taliban Warlord/dragon-man for lack of ammo.

Winess the plight of the undersupplied Captain that Obama was speaking of.

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