
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why is J. Wright So Controversial?

Oh, sure, he a anti-Semitic, race-baiting demagogue, but so are many in the Black community. Here's the poet Nikki Giovanni, a tenured faculty member at Virginia Tech:


Can you kill

Can you kill

Can a ni**er kill

Can a ni**er kill a honkie

Can a ni**er kill the Man

Can you kill ni**er

Huh? Ni**er can you


Do you know how to draw blood

Can you poison

Can you stab-a-Jew

Can you kill huh? Ni**er

Can you kill

Can you run a protestant down with your

‘68 El Dorado

(that's all they're good for anyway)

Can you kill

Can you piss on a blond head

Can you cut it off

Can you kill

A ni**er can die

We ain't got to prove we can die

We got to prove we can kill

And she’s trotted out at important Tech events.

One of the main reasons that J. Wright has become an issue is because Obama is a blank slate and McCain is not. That’s because McCain has an established public persona. We know who McCain is and what he believes and no comments by his supporters will change that.

Obama is a different case. He is a blank slate. He is for change, hope and the future. Now there’s a platform that you can get your teeth into.

He’s for not invading Iraq although he's considering invading Pakistan. Set the wayback machine Sherman.

I’ll bet if asked that he’s for motherhood and if pressed will swear his undying love for apple pie.

And he’s sticking to that.

So if a candidate whose acolytes faint at his mere words is such an enigma, we have to look at the people he surrounds himself with to get an idea of his values. So we look at his skinny but telling voting record. We consider the fact that he is part the Chicago political machine, not a bunch of nuns. His beliefs are reflected in his wife’s less guarded comments. So we get Mr. Rezko and his land purchase and the Reverend Wright and his anti-white anti-Semitic rants. And today we get a speech, which I have read in full, in which he contradicts what he told an interviewer just yesterday about what he knew about Wright’s sermons. A speech in which he manages to both disavow Wright while embracing him. A very neat trick. Anyone who has followed this saga can conclude he gives a great speech, as long as someone gives him a good script. I wonder who wrote it?

Obama has become the Democrat’s nightmare; derailing the second coming of the Clintons. I hope for the country’s sake he does not become America’s also.

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