
Sunday, April 13, 2008


Here's how CNN defends Obama claiming that small town residents of Pennsylvania are turning to guns, religion and xenophobia in response to hard times.

ACE OF SPADES notes that all three "analysts"

Fair and balanced, CNN! I love how they focus almost exclusively on the "bitterness" remark (just as Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama decreed,, so it was heralded, so it shall be) and also also accept, entirely uncritically, Obama's explanation that when he said that small-town Americans are driven to xenophobia and hatred of outsiders, he meant that as a good thing.

Read the rest of his comments HERE.

As Obama tries to put a positive spin on his beliefs, here's MORE of Ace:

Is Obama really trying to sell me that bullshit? That when he seemed to be denigrating small-town Americans as shoeless simpletons waving their guns and crosses in the air, as well as their "Mexicans, and Irish, Go Home!" placards, he was really praising them for doing so, for falling back on the wholesome religion, and wholesome hatreds, that sustain them through dark times?

And more:

Allah is pissed off -- which is always fun -- and is hitting the "false consciousness"/"opiate of the masses" meme I'm trying to spread so hard I don't have to exert myself once again. He also trashes Obama's spin for the pile of shabby lies it is.

Obama's answer, again, is nice and clever but makes no fucking sense and even if it made more sense: I still would know it's utter bullshit.

Captain Ed meantime focuses on the cute-but-vapid attempt by Obama to pretend the entire controversy is about whether or not those shotgun-pumpin' Bible-thumpin' Ned-Beatty-rumpin' Pennsylvanian pinheads are "bitter" or not, dishonestly eliding over the truly offensive and impolitic parts of his remarks.

Who the fuck cares if someone calls Pennsylvanians bitter? I'm bitter, and I don't even have to live in Pennsylvania. I can only imagine how bitter they must be.

But I think the more important part of the statement concerns these Keystone Cretins' childish belief in God as a psychological bandaid to keep them from hanging themselves in the smokehouse due to remorse at burning down a black church filled with gay lambada dance instructors.

Oh yeah, here's what they are talking about:

Here's Anwyn:

Spin in Indiana Saturday morning:

I said somethin’ that everybody knows is true … people don’t feel like they’re being listened to. So they pray, and they count on each other, and they count on their families … you know this in your own life. And what we need is a government that is actually paying attention … fighting for workin’ people, [blah blah blah blah socialist code words up to and including American Dream].”

Once again, you’re not supposed to count on your family or your faith, you’re supposed to count on your government. He simply cannot fathom the concept that people do not believe this is the proper role of government, that nobody in their right mind wants to count on government for their needs and wants. So he says “I could have said it better,” but then goes on to say the same damn thing in the same damn way because he simply cannot believe it couldn’t be the truth.

This is the real Barack Obama, believe it. People counting on their families and God is not appropriate; these things are merely the refuge of the bitter. This is why his chosen church and his mentor/married-him/baptized-his-kids pastor are not about God but about race and class–because that’s all he believes in. People don’t vote their class identity not because they don’t believe this is an appropriate basis for choosing a government, because they believe individual rights are a better foundation, but merely because they’re embittered and don’t believe voting on class would change the class structure. There is nothing in his world but class structure and how he can alter it so that we’re all supposedly on the same basis, which in his mind means lack of inequity but in reality will result in nothing but lack of opportunity, lack of will, lack of ambition, lack of work, lack of achievement.

Keep digging, Barry. Hey, maybe there’s a silver lining: If you need to count on God and your family if your government doesn’t make your life turn out the way you want it to, then perhaps we’ll have a lot of converts to Christianity and family trust after you pull down the life edifaces of America’s wealthy.

And PS–if all the people you talk to are “bitter,” did it ever occur to you that these might be the only ones (not all of the populace or, it is to be hoped, even a majority) who want the government to put a bandaid on them and make it better, who might think it’s a swell idea to whine to a politician about how bad they have it (really, often, not that bad at all)? Seek out some ordinary folks without an axe to grind and then see how well your vision holds up.

There are pictures of this event: B. Hussein Obma's visit to Billionaire's Row via Zombietime.

Click on the link for many, many more pictures and commentary.

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