
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

David Carr of the NY Times Whines About Iraq.

David Carr complains about The Wars We Choose to Ignore

And what war are “we” ignoring … and who is “we” white man? Why the war in Iraq of course. And the “we” is
...public indifference to a war that refuses to end,

As if the war was an over-long third act of a tiresome Broadway play that David Carr is reviewing.

Well, Mr. Carr how do “we” know that the public is indifferent to the war in Iraq? Certainly not the people who are fighting there, and their families. Perhaps the “we” is the MSM, of which you are a perfect specimen.

According to the Project for Excellence in Journalism’s News Coverage Index, coverage of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has slipped to 3 percent of all American print and broadcast news as of last week, falling from 25 percent as recently as last September.

Hmmm. That’s not the public, is it Mr. Carr. It’s a statistic that is squarely aimed at the MSM.

Countercolumn has some sharp words for Mr. Carr of the NY Times and his whine.
Dear Mr. Carr,

It's too bad you took what should have been a moving profile of Jessica Ann Ellis and turned it into a journo's whine-fest.

Coverage is down on Iraq because American troops are bleeding less, and for no other reason. If Americans were bleeding more, it would be right back on the front pages. And every reporter knows this.

Katie Couric didn't get crap ratings because she went to Iraq. Couric got crap ratings because it was HER going to Iraq. Nobody cares what that twit thinks about Iraq. She never should have been promoted past any one of fifty real journalists at CBS to the anchor's chair, and the ratings bear that out.

Further, you wrote of American indifference to a "war that refuses to end.' Curious construction, that. But you need to get out more: The American public isn't indifferent to the war. We're indifferent to your crap coverage of the war. And that's a huge difference. Your very own newspaper once described a soldier's decoration as a "Purple Star," and ascribed the Medal of Honor to an award presented to songwriters.

And your own reporter, Alissa Rubin, who hilariously wrote earlier this month that "It's not clear who won" in Sadr City, has got to take the cake for being the dumbest journo in the country. (She's an ok reporter, if she sticks to reporting. But when she tries to do analysis, or editorialize, she's way, WAAAAAAY out of her depth.) (I'm assuming it's the same Rubin, here, but if someone knows I'm wrong, let me know. The Times hasn't responded).

As you can see, this writer … Jason Van Steenwyk…is not happy with Mr. Carr.

I’m not surprised that David Carr and reptiles like him are writing columns like this. I’m positive that he is getting positive feedback from his fellow reptiles in the Times and the Gothamites and assorted fellow travelers in his circle of friends. He little realizes that the rest of the country is increasingly looking at his as if he has some loathsome disease. And they are right. But if you and all your friends are singing from the same hymnal, you will never know if you are singing out of tune.

The reporting community today is not so much in the business of reprting or investigating, but in the business of peddling a line of propaganda. And like a tribe of aborigines, they have no idea that concept and ideas that are different than theirs actually exist. Theirs is the received wisdom, and if a certain dance is designed to bring on the rains, they will dance, damn it, until it rains to prove that the dance works.

Intellectual curiosity has been bred out of this bunch of clowns. Which is not entirely a bad thing because their faults are now easy to see and the destruction of their domain makes for a healthier society.

Welcome to the two way communication world, Mr. Carr.

By the way, Jason's comments regarding the NY Times reporting of the battles in Sadr city and Basra have been dissected before, and it's not pretty. HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

A more dreadful example of getting it wrong could not be imagined.

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