
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Liberal Retard: If Obama Wins, Right Wing "Crazies" Will Take up Arms, Civil War Possible.....

With a few links of separation from Firedoglake (I won't link directly), this is what the on-line Obama supporters imagine will happen of he is elected:

If there is a President Obama come next Jan. 20, normal folks better brace for what the right-wing crazies have in mind. Because it's becoming clear that they are winding themselves up now for a fresh spate of violence if Obama wins.

......As always with these folks, there's a lot of projection going on here. Because even if a President Obama follows only the most moderate of liberal agendas, the far right will look upon those policies as cause for "civil war." That was how they responded to Bill Clinton, after all -- a white male Southerner with generally conservative leanings. One can only imagine how a liberal black man from Illinois would fare.

The extremist right went into remission, largely, with the election of George W. Bush; militias disbanded because their followers believed the threat of an oppressive, gun-grabbing, baby-killing "New World Order" had largely passed. They bided their time by forming Minutemen brigades. Now they can see that their "safe" era is coming to an end.

All this time, there really has been hankering for an excuse to start acting out violently, and they see any Democratic presidency as providing that excuse. But an Obama presidency in particular will do so.

In the follow-up comments we have things such as this:

Even if the next generation of Christianist jihaddis manage to blow something up, hard right rethugs would still try to blame the attack on muslims, or perhaps on us…. and the press will buy into it.
Christianist jihaddis?

Then there's the opinion that conservatives are crazy:
I really am concerned that all these people are seriously mentally ill. I deal with them in discussions on political forums, and it really seems like they are delusional. Some of these wingnuts simply believe that Republican administrations are comprised of tough white males bound to protect the wingnuts, and Democratic administrations are full of weak people of all races and genders with an emasculating agenda for America.

These wingnuts are not sane. They’re not rational. They’re absolutely terrified, and they’ve been sold or have constructed this victimized worldview based on some mythology about what each party represents.

Not sure what can be done about it, but it sure is disturbing. They seem to be opting out of the social contract that allows for democracy, their philosophy being that any means are justified to resist the Democratic party and return the Republican party to power.

Are psychologists looking at this? What madness leads these people to live in such a paranoid dichotomy? And how can a democratic republic persist when so many of its people are violent, anti-social, and narcissistic?

There is something darkly humorous about a prediction of civil war and assassinations if Obama wins to be followed by someone who agrees saying: "Are psychologists looking at this? What madness leads these people to live in such a paranoid dichotomy? And how can a democratic republic persist when so many of its people are violent, anti-social, and narcissistic."


  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I'm not out to hurt anyone unless they try to harm me or my family and my right as an american to protect myself and my family. Mess with that and there will be war!

  2. Anonymous6:50 PM

    that is pure wet dream delusions for liberals

    sadly what is more likely to happen is after obama loses the general election the negros will riot

    i'm glad it's mostly whites & hispanics where i live

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Last time the Left had power Clinton trained police forces across the country to watch out for white "far right" Christians (Republicans) who own guns.

    He blamed Rush and Conservatives (Republicans) for the Oklahoma bombing.

    It is part of the Marxist religion that anyone against them are mentally ill and need to be imprisoned or institutionalized.
