
Sunday, June 01, 2008

Obama: Actually, I can quit you

In a recent post I noted that Obama's "minister" problem was no longer the minister(s) but the church itself.

I will let others take issue with Father Michael Pfleger. At this point it matters little who the cast of characters are who spout racist, anti-Semitic hatred of America and its people. What is most disturbing is the audience reaction. I say “audience” because the people listening to these “sermons” are in no way a church congregation; they are an audience listening to a speaker they heartily agree with. They cry out, their stand up , they cheer and applaud. We have not had such enthusiasm since the Nuremburg rallies of the 1930s to similar rants by other madmen.


Obama is the well dressed, well spoken, clean front for the people who laugh and applaud rancid racism and bigotry and who cheer hatred of America.

Forget the speaker, look at the audience.

Perhaps the Obama campaign read my post and agreed because there has been an announcement that Obama has "resigned" from the church in "the last few days."

After the second Academy Award-winning performance by a pastor at his family's church, Trinity United in Chicago, Sen. Barack Obama quit his parish.

Robert Gibbs, Obama's campaign communications director said Obama had resigned from the church "over the last few days."

News of the resignation came out early this evening as Obama campaigned in South Dakota.

The pastors in question are the Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger, both long time friends and both at one time or another referred to as spiritual mentors by Obama.

Both men have delivered sermons in recent months that are pure spectacle: filled with racially charged pantomimes that have left voters wondering about Obama's character judgment.

In keeping with their tradition of running the greatest public relations firm ever created on earth -- news of his church resignation could not have been delivered with more razor precise timing. The story slipped out to reporters as all the world was watching the delegate proceedings here at the DNC rules and by-law committee meeting.

Obama's resignation is a complete departure from his now famous 'race speech' in Philadelphia where said he disagreed with Wright but portrayed him as a family member he couldn't quit.

Having been a member of several churches for longer than Obama has been alive, I have no idea how you go about "resigning" from a church. We ordinary mortals simply stop going and join another congregation.

For the unchurched among us, church attendance is not a contractual arrangement. You go, sit in a pew, sing some songs, listen to a sermon and at the end of the service you leave. If you are a member of Obama's church you can also applaud, stand up, wave your hands, laugh at racist comments, shout approval of the preacher "damning" America and otherwise show approval of a hateful ideology. But don't let anyone tell you that this is standard for black churches, because that's a lie.

If you want to be counted as an official member of the church, you may be asked to affirm you allegiance in front of the congregation, but should you decide to go elsewhere because, for instance, the pastors turn out to be race baiting, anti-Semitic, America damning bigots, you just leave.

Except if you are Barack Hussein Obama, when you have the church as an albatross around your neck. Having affirmed the fact that you can't disown the church and it's pastor and more than you can disown you old racist grandma just a few weeks ago, you now have to do exactly that.

As if leaving that cesspit will wash off the fact that Obama provides proof of 20 years of approval of hate and bigotry. Just in time for the November election.

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