
Thursday, July 03, 2008

Plan C

Richard Fernandez

Al-Qaeda’s New PlanAmir Taheri describe’s al-Qaeda’s “Plan C” in an article in the New York Post. Plan A, based on Osama Bin Laden’s assessment of the President Clinton’s reaction to the Blackhawk Down incident was that one short and sharp rap would send America tumbling down. But that didn’t work so well and so Plan B, advanced by Ayman al-Zawahiri, called for seizing power in various Islamic countries, such as Iraq. But since that didn’t turn out very successfully either, al Qaeda’s chief theoretician, Sheik Abu-Bakar Naji, has come up with a new and surefire scheme.

Since 9/11, Islamist terror movements have been debating grand strategy. Osama bin Laden had theorized that the “infidel,” led by the United States, would crumble after a series of spectacular attacks, just as the Meccan “infidel” government did when the Prophet Muhammad launched deadly raids against its trade routes. Yet the 9/11 attacks didn’t lead to an “infidel” retreat. On the contrary, the “Great Satan” hit back hard.

That persuaded some al Qaeda leaders that a new strategy of smaller, slower but steadier attacks was needed. Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s No. 2, has advocated such a strategy since 2003, arguing that the jihad should first target Muslim countries where it has a chance of toppling the incumbent regimes.

Now Naji takes that analysis a step further - suggesting that low-intensity war be extended to anywhere in the world with a significant Muslim presence. Islamists in the “wilderness” must create parallel societies alongside existing ones, Naji says - but not set up formal governments, which would be subject to economic pressure or military attack. … In a notable departure from past al Qaeda strategy, Naji recommends “countless small operations” that render daily life unbearable, rather than a few spectacular attacks such as 9/11: The “infidel,” leaving his home every morning, should be unsure whether he’ll return in the evening. Naji recommends kidnappings, the holding of hostages, the use of women and children as human shields, exhibition killings to terrorize the enemy, suicide bombings and countless gestures that make normal life impossible for the “infidel” and Muslim collaborators.

“Exhibition killings” is one of those sayings which bids fair to enter the lexicon of regrettable phrases, together with such gems as “suicide bombings”, kamikaze, and arbeit mach frei, not only because it is vivid but threatens to mark the start of a psychotic, but ultimately useless campaign. Whether the rampage a few hours ago of a bulldozer driven by a Palestinian on Jerusalem’s Jaffa Road, conveniently in front of the CNN office, is coincidental or inspired by Naji’s writings remains to be seen, but at least two persons have died and 20 others were injured in the attack.

Read the whole thing.

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