
Thursday, July 31, 2008

The State of the Campaign

As I predicted, this election will be a referendum on Barack Hussein Obama. John McCain is the Republican nominee because it was his turn, but he does not turn the Republican base on. Absent a compelling reason to vote for McCain, is there a compelling reason to vote against Obama? Will Americans trust Obama enough to turn a rock star into a President? I don’t think so, but I could be wrong.

The press, which has been solidly supportive of Obama, is beginning to notice that their adoration of the Messiah is beginning to irk people. It’s like a parade, where the leaders – in this case the press - is suddenly noticing that the crowd behind them has melted away, and they are beginning to look foolish and exposed.

That may be what is causing media titans like Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, Adam Nagourney of the NY Times and even Jon Stewart of The Daily Show beginning to mock the Messiah.

When your leader is in trouble, you want to deny that you adored him. So some members of the MSM are beginning to resemble the apostle Peter. You will know this process is complete when Chris “thrill up his leg” Matthews denies he was ever impressed with Obama. If that happens, you will know the election is over and Obama will lose in a landslide.

So at this point, Obama has a lead over McCain in most polls because of his rock star status. But because he is perceived as a rock star rather than a man of serious policy issues, his fall from grace could be sudden and spectacular. And the Good Lord knows that he has enough self inflicted wounds to sink him: all his old associates, his wife, his new age campaign, his disdain for the “bitter clingers,” and his too-slick-by-half habit of never admitting that he could have been wrong.

And now he’s setting himself up for serious ridicule.

His solution to the energy problem …. Inflate your tires.

by krs601

This man is not serious; he’s the leader of a rock band. He deserves to be the cover model of a fashion magazine, not in the Oval Office.


  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Inflating my tires and getting a tune up and the energy crisis is over.
    Simple enough. Someone should call Al Gore and tell him the energy issue has been solved by the messiah.

  2. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I think some people thought he was joking. There's laughter in the background after his tire statement.
