
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Virginian Pilot’s Answer to Every Question: Pull Out Of Iraq.

Pravda was a beacon of journalistic truth and technical prowess compared with the Virginian Pilot

When the war was going badly the Virginian Pilot demanded a pullout because we were losing. Now that we’re winning, the answer remains the same: pull out. The Pilot’s editorial staff sees no reason to be in the Middle East, never has, never will.

They don’t make the case that the war is over and we should come home. Oh no. They state explicitly that despite the fact that we are on the verge of winning, we need to pull out

Nobody might know how long the current quiet might last, or whether it would survive an American withdrawal, but peace and politics now herald a time - finally, and after too much loss - for U.S. forces to begin coming home. Whatever the reason, that is long overdue.

There can be no more explicit formulation: the Pilot doesn’t care what happens in Iraq after we leave. It can become the breeding ground of al Qaida terrorists, it can be taken over by Iran, whoever runs the place after we leave can develop atomic weapons, there can be a genocidal bloodbath, no matter. If we leave, the Pilot will finally be satisfied.

As I was reading this editorial this morning, I saw in my mind’s eye an image of President Lincoln being advise after Gettysburg to pull his armies back. “For the soldiers to begin coming home. Whatever the reason, that is long overdue.”

In fact, that is exactly the platform of the Democrat party during the election leading to Lincoln’s second term. The Democrats 145 years later are still the same.

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