
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why the Press Is Ignoring the Edwards "Love Child" Story

Slate's Jack Shaffer asks why there is a double standard at work:

Everybody had a good laugh last August when Roll Call broke the story about Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, getting arrested at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport for playing footsies in a toilet stall. The late-night talk show hosts mined the material for days; Slate produced a re-enactment of the bathroom ballet; and newspapers, magazines, and cable channels shredded Craig.

The angle taken by most reporters and commentators wasn't that Craig's restroom conduct was particularly shameful. The press doesn't object to same-sex sex at all, nor should it. Craig's true offense, said the press and the clowns, was hypocrisy, which they consider an inexcusable crime.
But if Edwards had an affair and lied about it, shouldn't he suffer scrutiny akin to that of Craig? At least three-dozen daily newspapers in the United States published the Craig news the day after the Roll Call scoop, according to Nexis, but this morning not a single U.S. daily mentioned the Enquirer piece.
So why hasn't the press commented on the story yet? Is it because it broke too late yesterday afternoon, and news organizations want to investigate it for themselves before writing about it? Or are they observing a double standard that says homo-hypocrisy is indefensible but that hetero-hypocrisy deserves an automatic bye?

That's my sense.

And Edwards is a Democrat. And everybody lies about sex because everybody has extra-marital affairs and has children by those affairs. Everybody .... right?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Reverend Jesse'd like to cut Slate's nuts out for daring to mention pregnant mistresses, love-chiles, Democrats,and Bill Clinton all in the same sentence. What's Reverend Jesse takin' his knocked-up knockout along when he went to counsel Bill in the White House got to do with any of Larry Edwards' noise? What'd Monica say- tried it, didn't really like it, and didn't inhale? And "homo-hypocrisy"? What exactly do Slate mean by that? They better not be talkin' down to the Jesse!
