
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pictures of ANWR - to make the case for drilling

From Porter County Politics.

Excellent articel on ANWR and the environmental effects of drilling in the Artic.

Here's a map of ANWR

And here's where the drilling would be done:

This is what the Democrats, liberals and ‘greens’ show you when they talk about ANWR. And they are right, these are photographs of ANWR:

(See the site for more pictures)
Isn’t ANWR beautiful? Why should we drill here (and destroy) this beautiful place?

Well, that’s not exactly the truth.

Do you remember the map?

The map showed that the proposed drilling area is in the ANWR Coastal Plain.

Do those photographs look like a coastal plain to you?

What’s going on here?

The answer is simple.

That is NOT where they are wanting to drill!

This is what the proposed exploration area ACTUALLY looks like in the winter:

And this is what it ACTUALLY looks like in the summer:

As you can see, the area where they are talking about drilling is a barren wasteland.

Oh, and they say that they are concerned about the effect on the local wildlife.

Here is a photo (shot during the summer) of the ‘depleted wildlife’ situation created by drilling around Prudhoe Bay. Don’t you think that the Caribou really hate that drilling?

Hey, this bear seems to really hate the pipeline near Prudhoe Bay, which accounts for 17% of U.S. domestic oil production.

Now, why do you think that the Democrats are LYING about ANWR?

Remember when Al Gore said that the government should work to ARTIFICIALLY raise gas prices to $5 a gallon?

Well, Al Gore and his fellow Democrats have almost reached their goal!

Now that you know that the Democrats have been lying, what are you going to do about it?

And why have they been lying? Follow the money, especially Pelosi's money!

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