
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kenneth Anderson's Law of War and Just War Theory Blog: If I were writing John McCain ads ...

Kenneth Anderson's Law of War and Just War Theory Blog: If I were writing John McCain ads ...: "McCain’s populism is unconvincing. He has to make the connection where it actually belongs: thread the needle of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd in Congress, Wall Street plutocrats who can afford to vote Democrat, corrupt community organizing entities like Acorn, and Obama as community organizer. Given what community organizing has given us so far - a trillion dollar mess - can we really afford a community organizer in the White House? The impression wanted is that Acorn, with its voter registration felons, is about to enter the White House. That, and the connection between out of touch billionaires who have profited from your soon-to-be-pain and community organizers who demanded that Wall Street, via Congress, give them cash. McCain needs to make that connection - the super, super rich, the do-gooding elitists who always know what to do with your money, and people who couldn’t really afford the mortgages they were given.

Those are the buttons I’d be pressing, were I McCain."

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