
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Letter to the Department of Justice

I understand that the DOJ held a conference this year on the subject of voter suppression. A source in the department discusses the tenor of this conference here.

From this whistleblower we learn this:

"But even worse was the presentation by one of his career lawyers, James Walsh, obviously made with Kappelhoff’s approval.

Walsh is a former Voting Section lawyer who transferred to the Criminal Section after working for Senator Ted Kennedy on a detail. Not surprisingly, Walsh is also a contributor to Obama, which is certainly on par with the almost $150,000 that DOJ lawyers and staff who live in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia have contributed to the Obama campaign, including John Bert Russ, the lawyer in the Voting Section who is responsible for the observer program that will send out hundreds of federal observers on election day.

Walsh made it clear that the Criminal Section intends to use the civil rights statutes to criminally prosecute anyone they consider to be engaging in voter “intimidation” or “oppression.”

The accusation is made that during the conference “Every single example of wrongdoing that Walsh and other presenters used in their presentations talked about Republicans: there was not a single example of any wrongdoing committed by any Democrats in the entire two-day conference.”

In view of this heightened emphasis on preventing voter suppression, please tell me what the DOJ is doing about the apparent flagrant suppression of Republican votes by Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner who has a reputation as the most partisan state official in Ohio. The Deomcrat's latest stunt rejected absentee ballots for thousands of Republicans."

I refer to this article by Peter Bronson at

I will be posting your response on my blog.

I would appreciate a name and phone number of a spokesperson for the DOJ who can address these issues.

Thanks in advance,


UPDATE: E-mail received Wednesday, September 24, 2008 3:05 PM

Thank you for contacting the Department of Justice. This is an automatic acknowledgement that your e-mail was received. It will be reviewed in the order it was received.

Oh goody. I can hardly wait...

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