
Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Reverend Wright Issue

Via Little Green Footballs.

Guilt by association? What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. From the Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire ...

McCain advisers say that they see “attack by association” as fair game now, arguing that Obama’s campaign has been using that technique to go after McCain. In particular, the Obama campaign has hammered McCain on the stump and in TV ads on the number of one-time lobbyists working for his campaign. (The McCain campaign is also angry about a Spanish-language TV ad that ties McCain to Rush Limbaugh on immigration, without ever saying that McCain took on Limbaugh and others to fight for comprehensive immigration reform.)

“They played it one way, we played it another way,” said one of McCain’s top advisers, Mark Salter. “Now we’re both going to play it the same way.”

And how close is he to Jeremiah Wright? In his own words (a speech by Obama from June 5, 2007 at Hampton University, lavishing praise on Rev. Wright in a way that makes it very clear that Obama was a close personal friend.)

There WILL be screams of "racism" about this. But who's the racist? The union workers in Pennsylvania and Ohio? Anyone who doesn't vote for Obama?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Do I notice a little less articulateness in Obama's speech? A little bit more sounding like he's from the 'hood? A little more hip, a little more jive? But that can't be because he is the real thing, he wouldn't adjust himself to his audience.
