
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Jack Shafer is Nuts

Jack Shafer writes for Slate and he's nuts.

And he thinks we're stupid.

Here's why. He begins his insane rambling with the headline...

Obama's New Press Strategy

Soon to be the "one president at a time," he starts schmoozing the press.

Now that’s crazy. Why would Obama need a new press strategy? His current one is working and the first thing you learn is that when you’re doing what works, don’t stop.

Has there ever been a more compliant press corps in the history of the Republic? My own Virginian Pilot is having pressroom orgasms over Obama. The “BIG O” has found the press’ “G” spot and is not about to change positions.


Barack Obama's brain trust understands the insecurities of the press. How could they not? The campaign's chief strategist, David Axelrod, was a star political reporter for the Chicago Tribune. But rather than feeding and caring for the press, the Obama campaign worked the media's insecurities to their man's advantage, largely freezing reporters out in a successful effort to control his message.

I wonder what color the sky is in Shafer’s world. In mine Obama was everything the press wanted: Black, Liberal, anti-war and not Bush. On top of that he was photogenic, gave good speech, and had adoring fans – some of which were teen agers not members of the press corps.


,,,Obama campaign denied the Washington Post editorial board an interview with their candidate...

Why waste your time when the Post’s endorsement is a given and its “news” coverage is everything you could hope for? And he did stop by later, to the Post's delight and praise. Pragmatist-in-Chief: Barack Obama offers some reassuring signals about his coming presidency in a visit to The Post.


So having won the election without wooing the press, what is Obama's new press strategy?

He didn’t have to woo them; they threw themselves at him and showed him their thong. They were as hard to get as Monica Lewinski. And gave him the same treatment.


In a November column, I predicted that despite Obama's skill and luck at managing the press, a war between the two was inevitable.

And how's that working out for you Jack?


Even though few of my predictions ever come true, I'm willing to double down on that original prophecy.

As Glenn Reynolds would snort: HEH! The surest way to go broke in the market is to double down on a losing position. In press puditry, it's a job enhancement credential.


As our financial crackup widens, the auto industry goes under, and 15 percent unemployment follows, the nation will experience economic pain that aches, then burns, then stings, and finally throbs. Because every political issue connects at some level to economics, Obama will become the focal point of the crisis and the target of the media's critical cameras and hostile pens. Will he wish he'd put some goodwill in the bank? Either way, it will be war as you've never seen before. Grab a hat and a helmet.

What a silly little man. Doesn’t he realize that the press’ passion for Obama has nothing to do with what he does; it’s all about what he is? And does Shafer have absolutely no knowledge of history at all? Franklin Delano Roosevelt presided over the Great Depression, but the press and history gave the blame to Herbert Hoover on whose watch it began.

The press will no more turn on Obama than a beaten wife will turn on her husband. It’s a sick relationship that is usually ends only when one or the other dies. At this rate, and given the diagnosis, I’m betting the press dies first. But not before we hear more blather about our famously free, independent and adversarial press.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Has Shafer been living under a rock for the past two years?
    The Press has so much invested in the Big O that if he said Global Warming was a hoax and we're going to drill for oil on the San Andreas Fault they would write that he really is his own man and those are great ideas and cancel their memberships to the Sierra Club.
