
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Limbaugh is now the BMOC

Am I the only one who noticed this? Do the chattering classes get their transcript of the Rush Limbaugh program from Media Matters? If you don’t listen, you have no idea of what animates the Right, and the rump group of legislators that calls itself the Republican Party in Congress.

Obama’s stimulus bill passed the House without a single Republican vote. Since polls show that Obama has an approval rating that far surpassed Mohammad in Riyadh, what’s going on?

This afternoon, the lone Republican, Phil Gingrey, who criticized Rush Limbaugh in an interview with the Politico appeared on his show and practically crawled asking for forgiveness. Gingrey apologizes over Limbaugh

Gingrey not only called in to Limbaugh to apologize, he put out a press release.

As long as I am in the Congress, I will continue to fight for and defend our sacred values. I have actively opposed every bailout, every rebate check, every so called “stimulus.” And on so many of these things, I see eye-to-eye with Rush Limbaugh. Regardless of what yesterday’s headline may have read, I never told Rush to back off. I regret and apologize for the fact that my comments have offended and upset my fellow conservatives—that was not my intent. I am also sorry to see that my comments in defense of our Republican Leadership read much harsher than they actually were intended, but I recognize it is my responsibility to clarify my own comments.

Ever magnanimous, Rush gave his absolution and suggested that the best thing for Republicans to do is to remain united in opposition to the Obama stimulus bill.

RUSH: I know that you don't know how it's all going to end up. But what is your thought? Let's say not one Republican votes for this. See, I happen to think... It's a leading question. I happen to think that would be perfect for the future and your reelection efforts. What's your thought on that?

Gingrey indicated that there might be a few Republican defections.
GINGREY: Rush, I agree with you completely. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen because, as you know, on the Senate side there are some rather moderate-leaning Senate Republicans --

RUSH: Oh, but I meant in the House.

GINGREY: -- up for election in 2010, and you know their names and there are few in the House and they're going to tend to go along with this, but it's going to be a very, very small percentage. But I agree with you. It would be the best possible message for this country for every single Republican to vote against this.

Rush persevered, noting that the Democrats did not need any Republican votes, that Republican votes would provide cover, that they could be interpreted as giving a veneer of bipartisanship to the bill.

The message got through. Not one Republican voted for the bill.


The Republicans are so bereft of elected leadership that the leader of the loyal opposition is an unelected talk show host on AM radio.

I am a big fan of Rush Limbaugh. Perhaps in this time and in this place, someone who is not elected can be the most effective voice of political opposition until Republicans regroup.

Does anyone know where John McCain is? Does anyone care? This is the man who the media and the Rockefeller Republicans wanted as their standard bearer; the man who could attract the “independent” and Democrat vote. How's that working out for the Republicans?

He’s so far in the background he’s not even wallpaper.

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin is beginning make her move for leadership. I’m confident that Rush would be happy to pass the baton to her.


  1. Thought provoking post, Virginian. Yea, Rush, BMOC and the last man standing.

  2. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Unfortunately it seems Rush is the last man standing. The Republican elected leadership sold out conservative principles and now wonder how they lost power.

    Smaller government people. Smaller. It's that simple.

  3. Anonymous11:49 PM

    This is funny. I sent an email to Gingry. His website doesn't even let you choose the state you live in other than GA. I live in Montana.

    Got a very apologetic email back from his office a few hours later.

    Rush is right. He is the voice of conservatism...not conservatism incarnate. He expresses what a lot of us think out here in flyover country. We do feel ignored and marginalized by the stuffed shirt, arrogant Republicans that populate Congress and especially the Senate.

    Given how some of the RINO GOP Senators have been stabbing us in the back over their support of the odious Holder and the Tax Cheat Treasury Secretary...I hope now Rush focuses on the Senate.

  4. Mr. Limbaugh and Mrs. Palin should remember that the main difference between a liberal commentator and a "conservative" commentator is that they knife you in the back.

  5. A while back my two Senators, Isaacson and Chambliss, showed up to tell the Gwinnett County Republicans the DC view on illegal immigration. The bottom line was "Learn Spanish."

    After the booing ended, they were informed, in no uncertain terms, that their job was to represent *us* to DC, not the other way round.

    We did say we were sorry that Isaacson would lose the cheap labor that keeps his estate's lawns tidy, and that Chambliss would lose the cheap polish on his airplane's wings, but that they were small sacrifices to make to avoid becoming an Absolut ad.

    There's a good reason Chambliss ended up in a runoff this past election, and it's not Obama coat-tails. He did a good enough job shooting himself in both feet.

    Point being, if two Republican US Senators, from a state like Georgia, will behave so stupidly once they've joined the lotos eaters within the beltway, well, thank God Rush is out there to box their ears.

  6. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Rush is smarter and a much more serious thinker than Palin. If Palin is the future of the Republican party, the party is screwed.

  7. Anonymous6:51 AM

    to the last anonymous post,
    This might be a newsflash to you but Rush supports Sarah Palin. If Sarah was left alone to be herself, instead of being mishandled by the McCain "lets make sure Sarah fails just like McCain" campaign staff we might have seen a different outcome.
    My local newspaper got their Sarah Palin information from Saturday Night Live and the rest of the MSM, how about you.

  8. Imagine if Rush were educated. He might be worth listening to. Too bad he values tabloid more than higher education.
