
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nominate The Virginian for the Nobel Prize

Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Prize for associating global warming with an increase in carbon dioxide. The fact that CO2 went up about 800 years after the earth warmed was found immaterial. The people who gave the Nobel prizes decided that if CO2 increased after the earth warmed, it meant that CO2 caused the earth to warm and Al Gore deserved to be recognized for making that assertion.

If the assertion above confuses you, it merely shows you are not Nobel Prize material.

So I have just demonstrated that Barack Hussein Obama caused the global economic melt-down and have even demonstrated that his candidacy caused the economy to crater following this ascendency rather than following it. Like Al Gore, I have graphs (or at least one graph) and can generate tables if they absolutely demand it. If they want pictures of starving women and children, I’m sure that we can get Michael Moore to go through this video archives.

But do you think those Swedish bastards have called me to tell me that I have won their stupid prize?


Well for those of you who missed it, here is my proof.

The Obama Market
Has anyone else noticed a curious correspondence? The date that Barack Hussein Obama clinched the Democrat party nomination for president (June 3, 2008), the stock market (S&P 500) was at about 1400. It is now at about 840, a horrifying 40% decline which has wiped out the retirement plans of a generation.

Coincidence? I think not! As Al Gore would say, it’s an inconvenient truth.

Call the King of Sweden and tell him to put my name in nomination right now.

Thanks to Obama, I could use the money.

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